Page 12 of Forever Free

As Michael’s parents walked up the steps to the house, Ruby’s father shook their hands and her mother disappeared inside to get the hot cocoas for their newest guests as she stared at them in surprise… and awareness.

Santa’s elves?

Before anyone could say anything, Lily came and took the rocker right opposite of Ruby, putting Ruby directly between Michael’s mom and her own mother as she reappeared within moments with another mug… and that was when she noticed it.

Lily was carrying a gift bag.

“Isn’t this nice?” Lily smiled at Sophie, giving her a playful wink as she accepted the mug of hot cocoa, quickly taking a sip. “I love evenings with family, and never imagined that we’d be mixing the two with Ben and Rose getting engaged. She adores him so much.”

“I know. It’s the same for Ben,” Ruby’s mother smiled happily, leaning forward so she could see Lily past where Ruby was sitting. This was completely awkward and strange.

Were they really getting chit-chatty out of nowhere?

Ruby looked up at her father, who had his arms crossed over his chest and one eyebrow raised… and Michael’s dad was doing much of the same. Both men were looking at the three women like they’d suddenly announced they were joining the circus.

‘Help me’… Ruby mouthed to her father – and saw both men look at each other and start to laugh knowingly.

“Whiskey, Griffin?” her father said, patting Mr. Griffin on the shoulder knowingly and walking off, leaving her there – surrounded.

“Man, that sounds like it would warm a body up right – wouldn’t it?” Michael’s father’s voice carried into the house as he followed her dad… and the moment they were out of sight? Lily’s eyes turned to Ruby and her mother with almost a razor-sharp knowledge.

“So… you and Michael, huh?” Lily began, with zero introduction.

“I, ah…what?” Ruby stammered.

“I had no idea you two were a thing.”

“Right?” Sophie chuckled. “I think it’s serious.”

“Mom!” Ruby protested, looking between the women in shock. “What is going on? Why are you blabbing to his mother – when we literally just talked about this?”

“You talked about Michael?”

“No! Yes? Maybe?”

“We did…”


“I think she really likes him…” her mother volunteered without hesitation.

“MOMMMM!” Ruby railed hotly, looking at her mother in disbelief, and heard the men laughing inside the house together.

“Michael certainly must like her…”

“What?” Ruby blurted out, her head swinging to look at Lily in surprise.

“He does? Oh, that’s so sweet!”

“Wait?! He likes me? Did he say that to you? I mean, we are just talking and…”

“So, youaretalking to each other?”

“I said ‘maybe’,” Ruby stammered nervously, feeling distinctly cornered and outmaneuvered between the two women that were looking at each other and giving signals in some sort of weird ‘mom-code’.

“They are…” her mother acknowledged.

“I knew it when I got his email,” Lily crowed in delight. “He’s just like his father and this is gonna be great.”