Page 11 of Forever Free

I appreciate the ‘dirt’ on our mutual friends – and I’m glad Esteban finally got up the nerve to talk to Claire. It’s about time! I promise not to tell a soul, and whatever we write to each other should stay private. I’m in complete agreement there, so have no fear. All your secrets are safe with me – I swear it.

First - Mr. Griffin is my father. You can call me Michael, Twerp, Mike, Mikey, or whatever you want… but not Mr. Griffin. That would be like me addressing you as Miss Merrick, whereas ‘Unicorn’ or ‘My lovely Ruby’ just fits so much better…

Secondly - let them talk… and let’s give them something to talk about. If I ever come down for vacation, let’s go out on the town and set some tongues wagging, eh?

I’m having a hard time remembering what your smile looked like – so maybe you should send me a photo to save to my computer? Hmm? I’ll send one in two seconds, for posterity of course… I wouldn’t want you to forget my smile since you liked it.

Starting out fresh sounds great, but I never want to forget the moments in the past either.

I may have been a twerp, but that is only because I’m kinda shy. It’s so much easier to share via email than in person… and I never want to forget the way you looked in that blue dress. Some things should never get swept under the rug.

I’m glad you like the emails, because this is just me… and you are one-of-a-kind, my priceless Ruby.


For a moment, he sat back and re-read the email to her. Part of him wondered if he was coming on too strongly, or if she would balk at him being overly sweet or affectionate.

Before clicking send, he opened another tab on his computer and ordered a set of glittery barrettes that looked like stars – and another that looked like ivy. She should always have something pretty to wear, and he wanted to be the one to give it to her.

Sending the package to his home address, he paid for overnight shipping and would let his parents know that it was for Ruby… and would field the questions from them later. He wanted Ruby to get something for Christmas from him while she was home visiting.

Clicking back over to the email… he added a postscript at the bottom. If he was jumping into the deep end, he was going to sink fast in those waters, and couldn’t wait to see what happened next.

P.S. – Ruby, what is your address in College Station? And your phone number?



Ruby was sittingon the front porch with her parents enjoying a warm hot cocoa, a heating blanket, and the cool evening air just before the sun was going down on her final day in Yonder.

Her father was going to fly her back to College Station tomorrow, so she had time to get her papers finished along with settling back in. She had laundry to do, a few groceries to get, and a few other mundane tasks that came with being a grown-up living in the dorms.

“Have you talked to Aunt Karen yet about next year?” her mother asked quietly in the stillness.


“You know you’ll need to apply early to get in – and that’sifthey have a spot opening up.”

“Mom, I’m not sure what I want to do. I might take some more classes online and work towards a master’s degree.”

“That’s not a bad idea,” her father mentioned idly, sipping on his cocoa. “If you can take them online, you could live here and avoid the costs of the dorm… and be close by.”


“Especially if Michael comes home for a visit,” he muttered under his breath, causing both Ruby and her mother to look at him. “What?” he said innocently, smirking.

“Dad, it’s not like…”

“Ruby…” he said simply in warning, catching the lie before she ever finished speaking – and she winced.

“Maybe itislike that,” she muttered under her breath and looked away from their gazes immediately, only to see a car pull up in front of the house. As the two front doors opened, her father got to his feet… and her mother immediately clenched his hand.

“Shh, Soph… I’m sure everything is fine,” he urged softly, but didn’t let go of her mother’s hand. Ruby felt a tremor rock through her as she recognized Michael’s parents in the dim light and knew instantly something was ‘off’.

“This is unexpected,” her father said bluntly. “I hope this is a nice surprise and a friendly visit? Would you like some tea, coffee, or a hot cocoa? You are welcome to join us…”

“Actually,” Michael’s mother, Lily, said with a wide smile that looked so much like his as she glanced at Ruby. “We’d love a cup – and this is just a quick ‘hello’ and a delivery from a few of Santa’s elves.”