“She’s been trying to get Mama out of him ever since.” I smirk. “All that work she’s been doing with him and he called me out first.”
“She’ll pay you back for that,” Simon says with a chuckle in his voice. “I promise you.”
I move one of the gagged man’s legs as Gabriel moves the other. Shifting together, we place his feet on top of each other.
“John,” Simon says, handing him a sledgehammer and a long railroad spike.
“Don’t mind if I do.” Johnathan carefully lines the railroad spike up with the center of the feet. “Simon, you might want to steady this betrayer.”
Lifting the hammer then slamming it down on the spike, Johnathan repeats the motions over and over.
Driving the spike through the man’s feet until it bites down deep into the wood.
Screams and bellows come from under the man’s hood.
And I start to snicker at the way the body we’ve been holding down jiggles and wiggles around in pain.
Ripping the bag off the man’s head, Simon grins wickedly down at Father Coss. “Hello, Dad.”
Head violently whipping around, Coss screams at us behind the dirty underwear stuffed in his mouth.
I’d chide him for gnawing on his own dirty underwear, but I’m the one who put them there in the first place.
Simon looks at my makeshift gag. “Really, Jude?”
The smirk I’ve been wearing this whole time grows sharper. “It’s fitting for him to taste his own shit.”
Staring long and hard at Coss, Simon says, “This fucking vile man….”
“I had to bearhug you, Simon, at the funeral home,” Gabriel says quietly. “You remember that? You were washing your hands with those scrub pads you found so hard they started bleeding.”
Looking up at Gabriel, Simon nods his head. “This vile fucking man…”
“He cared more about his reputation and looking powerful than my twin sister.” Gabriel stands up from the ground. “She wouldn’t have been like us, either. Miriam would have been pure.”
After going over to a table, Gabriel comes back with a railroad spike and holds his hand out for the sledgehammer.
Johnathan moves over and forces Coss’s right hand down against the wood with his knee. Then he holds Coss’s forearm in a way that leaves his wrist exposed.
Lining up the railroad spike, Gabriel takes one massive swing and drives the railroad spike straight through the wrist and deep into the wood.
When Eden told me about how he picked up James and carried him, she described it asfucking monster strength.
Finally working the gag out of his mouth, Coss bellows a wail full of pain and misery.
Moving to Coss’s free wrist, I wrestle his arm down like Johnathan did.
Holding it perfectly still as Simon grabs the last railroad spike.
“You beat us. You forced us to hate each other.” Simon starts out quietly, but with each word, his voice grows louder, until he’s screaming in Coss’s face, spittle flying everywhere. “To fight each other! To do things no brother should do to each other! You made us this way! You made me so I can’t even think of my children without worrying about every fucking bug known to man!”
Simon lines up the railroad spike on Coss’s wrist and snarls.
But he doesn’t slam the sledgehammer down.
No, he slowly taps it.