Page 63 of Promised at Birth

“Good morning, Boss. You’re in a good mood.”

“I need you to pick up that Bratva soldier we talked about the other night. You said Jasmine’s boyfriend is high up in the Antonovich Brothers’ food chain. I need to question him. I must find out what is going on with them and why they are acting like they have a “get out of jail free” card. This stays between us. I don’t want anyone else to know about it.”

I’m not sure why, but I don’t want my brothers or Nick, my consigliere to know about this. Just a feeling.

“You can trust me, Capo.”

“Grab him and bring him to “On All Fours” for questioning.”

Christov Antonovich brought Evie Bliss to the charity event last night to rattle me. He eye-fucked Gwen all night.What are they up to?I can’t risk a war with them. I can’t risk Gwen. I rub my face with my hand. I am so sick of the fucking Antonovich brothers.

“Dom, did Jasmine tell you anything else about the Razors?”

“Yep, the Russians didn’t want you to marry Gwen Fielding. They convinced the Razors to kidnap her. The Razors were supposed to kill her, but Villalovos wanted to fuck her. Boss, why do the Antonovich brothers care about the Fielding broad?”

I bristle at Dominick referring to my wife as a “broad.” I hate having to explain things to people. It is not that I don’t trust Dominick – I do, but he is fucking stupid. That is why he runs a strip club!

“The Antonovich brothers did not want me to become part owner of the Fielding real estate empire. They don’t want me or the Outfit to become too powerful.”

“Fuck them! We are powerful! We should just kill em all!”

See what I mean?The man has no brains.

“Dom, just pick him up!”

Dom pulls a silver flask out of his wrinkled, out-of-style, polyester, bomber jacket. He takes a swig. I smell whiskey. I roll my eyes.

“You know, Boss, it’s hard to break a Bratva soldier, just saying.“ Dom remarks.

“I will question him myself along with “the surgeon”. Let’s keep this between us.”

Dominick leaves my office. I lean back in my chair. Put my feet on the desk.

The Chicago Outfit’s enforcer, Renato Pierro, Reno for short, is nick named the Surgeon.Why you may ask?He is an expert on torturing men with scalpels and knives - he knows right where to cut on the human body to inflict the most pain. His favorite tools of the trade are knives, pliers, any sharp tool he can get his hands on. He enjoys blood. He enjoys playing with his prey. He gets the job done without question.

Reno is an interesting guy. He is quiet, controlled, well-mannered, well-spoken, unemotional, and brilliant. Not a thug. He is a sociopath. A very good-looking sociopath. Over 6 feet tall and built like a mac truck. He wears designer suits and has impeccable taste. Chicks love him. The perfect man to bring home to Mom except for the fact that he is a sadistic killer. He is also rich. Reno has made several million dollars in the stock market as a day trader. He doesn’t need to work - he just enjoys killing and torturing bad people.

I have known Reno for years. Practically grew up with him. He was a homeless 12-year-old boy when my father met him on the streets of Chicago, covered in blood - not Reno’s. Before my father took him off the streets, Reno had been in and out of foster homes all his life. He does not even know who his parents are. The abusive father in the last foster home Reno was placed in mysteriously committed suicide by slashing his wrists. I am sure that was how Reno honed his skill with knives, scalpels, and other sharp objects.

Every member of the Outfit is afraid of Reno. He is a born killer. Cold and cruel. He has one rule - he will not question, torture, or kill women or children. I respect him for that. I like him.

I sit up. I sigh. I straighten my silk tie. I leave my office and walk towards the glass conference room. I have a meeting with my two brothers, Paul Jr. and Vinnie, Nick, and some of my captains.

Paul Jr. is just outside the conference room, flirting with a young secretary. The secretary is enjoying his attention. She has a hand on his arm. Paul Jr. cannot keep his cock in his pants. He is worse now than before he married Gia. He wears a black Brioni suit with a white, button-down shirt. No tie. His black hair is slicked back and looks oily. He really plays up the Italian mobster look.

“Let’s go Romeo we have a meeting.” I tell him.

“Hey Bobby! How’s it going Bro? How’s the new wifey? Is it time for the presentation of the bloody sheets yet or did your child bride find another reason not to fuck you?” Paul Jr. announces.

Paul Jr. laughs and winks at the young secretary. I hear her giggle.

“Fuck you. My wife is none of your fucking business.”

I know he is trying to push my buttons, but I am pissed.

Paul Jr. starts laughing and says, “Ah congrats on your finally popping her cherry!”

“I mean it Paul! Shut. The. Fuck. Up!”