“Just be safe. And no drinking and driving! Call me if you need a ride!”
I huffed a laugh, lips tugging up in a grudging smile as Momma waggled a finger at me with the last admonishment.
“Yes, Momma.”
It didn’t matter how hard life seemed sometimes, I’d do anything for my family. They were worth it.
She waved as I walked through the door and closed it behind me. I didn’t like having to lie to her, but I reminded myself it was for the best. It wouldn’t hurt to let Momma think I was going out and having fun like she was always telling me to.
I walked down the broken sidewalk from the door to the curb, making my way over to the edge of the property so I wouldn’t be noticed from the house as I waited. Leo had said he would send a car for me, and I had a feeling it wouldn’t be the kind that would blend in on this side of town, where the homes were older and in need of TLC. I didn’t want Momma or Michael to look out the window and asking questions later if they saw me.
I waited in front of the overgrown crape myrtle at the end of our driveway for about five minutes before I noticed headlights coming down the street. Our neighborhood was quiet since most of our neighbors were older couples whose kids had already moved away, so I figured it had to be the car Leo had sent.
Once it was close enough for the dim streetlight over my head to glint off the silver hood and Lincoln symbol, I knew it was, and I walked a little closer to it to be sure it didn’t stop in front of my house.
Stepping out into the road, I clutched my purse in front of me as I waited for it to roll to a stop. I didn’t look back, or think beyond sliding into the backseat, because if I did, I wasn’t sure I’d be able to go through with this.
Chapter Eight
Anyone who ran anything involving other people for long enough knew that the secret to pulling it off without going insane was delegation. I had people in charge of each step of the night, and more in place to oversee them. Each person involved had been through their instructions more than once, but I knew things rarely went off without some kind of hitch.
So far, my people had been able to handle all the little hiccups without me, which meant I was able to greet the guests with my father as they came in, and then stand around while they drank and stank up the room with their cigars. Most of them were my father’s age, though a few had their heirs in tow who were closer to mine, plus the twin betas who ran the town south of us who were even younger.
This had been deemed a no-business event, though it was impossible for men like my father and our guests to ever truly relax and not think about work. We were all watching each other, searching for any sign of weakness that could be exploited later, and knowing the others were doing the same as they discussed how things were going and bitched about the slow shipments from the countries that supplied us.
Bored with the posturing, I was glad when I received a message that the car I had sent for Cadence had returned. I excused myself from the men gathered around the bar in the private room, making my way to where I’d told my people to bring Cadence when she arrived.
The other girls were all getting ready in the prep area backstage, but I’d left orders for Cadence to be taken to an empty room all to herself. I had a feeling if she saw the other girls too soon, she would bolt, or freeze up and be useless.
The club below us was in full swing, oblivious to what was going on upstairs behind closed doors. There was a private entrance that led into the room where I’d left the others, with a full bar, and couches lining the walls, and people who could get them anything they wanted. A second door opened into the theatre where the auction would take place, so hopefully there wouldn’t be any wandering, but I had men posted in the hallways to stop anyone from getting too far since I expected at least a few to try.
Some of the men had already taken their seats in the audience, so I peeked in to make sure everything was fine before moving down the hall. The people we worked with tried to pretend they were civilized, but there had been instances of things getting ugly when we all gathered, so I had plenty of guards on hand in case there were any issues, though for the moment, everyone seemed content to sit and drink while they eyed their opponents. These get-togethers were about showing off and flaunting money, cementing alliances, and watching the others.
Not fighting amongst ourselves.
I didn’t need to check backstage, because Madame was there, and I knew nothing would happen under her watchful gaze. Madame was a stern woman with a wicked sense of humor once you got to know her, and one of the few female alphas I’d ever met. Everyone called her by her chosen name, and even I couldn’t find out who she really was. Anytime I saw her she was painted up like a Geisha, complete with kimono and intricately styled hair, although her accent was that of a native German who learned English late in life.
It was strange, but it was her.
Chuckling when I heard her voice pierce the hallway as she scolded one of the girls, I paused outside the door where Cadence should be waiting. Honeysuckle teased my senses, telling me everything was going as planned. My cousin was one of the men already seated in the audience waiting for the auction to begin, and all I had to do was get her onto the stage.
I gave a light tap on the door before pushing it open. A grin split my face as I dragged in a deep breath of her sweet scent laced with anxiety, letting my eyes wander over the little omega pacing the middle of the room.
She was wearing a bright yellow dress that hugged her body in sinful ways without showing as much skin as some of the women downstairs. Her blonde hair was curled and pinned up, her lips painted cherry red, eyes lined with black, and smokey shadow.
If I had seen her on the street, I would have assumed she was an experienced working girl, and the look didn’t fit her at all.
“Hi. I hope this is okay? You didn’t tell me what to wear.”
Her voice was quiet, her fingers plucking at the fabric and giving away how uncomfortable she was.
“I actually have an outfit for you. It’s in there.”
I pointed to the small box sitting on top of the table against the far wall. The room was meant as a place to have private meetings and only held the table and two chairs. It was completely sound proof, with a digital lock that could be engaged from either side and set not to allow anyone in or out.