Page 11 of UnderCover

I try to stop her or help her cover at least some of the way up even as I talk to my dick about this not being the right time to raise its demanding head.



“Hmm?” she gives me another sleepy mumble.

“Wake up, sweet thing.”

She finally snaps awake enough to help me pull her shirt up where it needs to be. “Is everything alright, Gareth?”

I give her a big smile now, “Yeah, I was just checking on you, baby.”

She nods her understanding and I let her get back to sleep. The next time I go into the room to wake her, it’s to find the covers kicked off her and the shirt she’s wearing riding up around her stomach so that I can see her tiny lacy panties hugging her ass like a fucking soldier hugs a long lost lover.

I groan out. She’s killing me and she’s not even doing anything. I barely get her awake enough to not only check on her but also to help me put her shirt down before I have to leave the room and take my dick in my hand. God, her ass is a thing of art, and what I think about as I shuttle my cock to release right outside the fucking door of the bedroom.

This is not me. I don’t…get hard for women just because I see a little cheek. If anything, I’m cold most of the time. It’s been…a long god damned time since I’ve had any interest in someone. And never like this. I peek back into the room to find her back under the covers and sleeping peacefully. What is it about this girl that has me so… torn up? Why am I acting like a teenager with his first fucking crush?

I can’t think about anything other than how to keep her with me.

The next time I go into the room it’s well after midnight and the room is blanketed in shadows, the only light coming from the hallway outside the room. This time the fucking shirt has ridden up until it is over her tits and I am greeted with enough spank bank material for the rest of my life.

All I can see is her luscious, soft-looking skin as she lies sleeping. I’m a fucking perv for even looking but I swear I can’t take my eyes off of her sweet body. I have no idea how long I stand there, my dick stiff as a fucking dead man, trying to talk myself into not taking it out of my pajama bottoms to stroke it over her. That would be wrong.

I go over to the bed finally and try to pull her shirt down so that I can start waking her up. She rolls and flings her arm out, touching my lower stomach and making the skin jump there. I reprimand myself for not putting on a shirt before I came in.

I try to breathe through the touch and move her hand away from me but she catches me off balance. In more ways than one. When she tugs on my waistband it’s strong enough and I’m so off balance that I lose my footing and fall. To keep from landing on her and crushing her, I roll us very quickly until she is laying on top of me and I am trapped in a hell of my own making. How the hell am I going to explain this to her? Maybe I can just wait and get up while she is still very much asleep, never having to come up with the reasons why.

Chapter Nine



I wake up wrapped tightly in strong arms and surrounded by morning sunshine. I don’t need to take a second to remember where I am or who I’m in bed with. I know right away. How is another question altogether? One I don’t have the answer for.

What I do know is that I’m in bed with a shirtless Gareth and my bare chest is smooshed up against his. My legs are splayed open on either side of his hips and both of his hands are on my ass cheeks. What the hell?

I jerk up into a sitting position and my head starts swimming so badly that I’m pretty sure I’m either going to faint or vomit. It’s enough that all thoughts of actually pulling my shirt down or moving off him go out of my head as I try to keep from doing something even more embarrassing than…this.

“Oh shit! I’m sorry, baby. I…”

“Oh my God!” Instead of going to my chest to cover my boobs, my hands go to my head to try to stop it from spinning.

Gareth must realize this because he stops apologizing and instead pulls me back down to his chest. He plants his hand in the middle of my back - my bare back. And he won’t let me up even though I try to sit back up.

“Stay.” The sound of authority in his voice has me going still. “You can’t hop up like that with a concussion, sweet thing. You have to go slow.”

“Oh!” I moan it out before gaining enough breath to go on, “But…we…we’re…,”

“I know,” he interrupts me before I really start, “but you don’t want to have to go back to the hospital. Do you?”

I whimper a little before answering, “No!”

“Just rest!”

“Yeah, like that is going to happen smashed up against you like this!”