Page 17 of UnderCover

Once I’ve taken her breath with my kiss, I set out to take her breath another way as I sink to my knees in front of her.

“Oh God! What are…what are you doing?”

I look up at her as I trace her legs with my hands before giving her a smile that says it all, “Eating this nice, ripe pussy, sweetheart.”

“What?” That surprised yelp she does when she’s shocked to hell and back doesn’t really persuade me to not get Birdie all over my tongue. “No! You can’t!”

“Can’t I?” I give her a wink and then eat her pretty pussy to orgasm. I slide her boxers, my boxers that she’s had to roll down more than once to keep on, over her hips and then spend time practically gnawing through her pretty blue lace.

Birdie had underwear left over at her mom’s house but I’m starting to realize that blue might be Birdie’s favorite color since most of the lace and silk creations she wears happen to be that color. It’s a damned good thing my eyes are blue. With that in mind, I make sure to look up at her while I work her clit behind the lace with my tongue.

“Oh God!”

I finally take her panties off …with my teeth. I take a moment to stare at the most perfect creation I've ever seen. Birdie’s pussy is like a flower just opening up. It’s soft and sweet with hidden parts that I can’t wait to map out and explore. Treasures wait for the right person, someone with patience and a steady hand…a big heart. She might as well sign me the fuck up because I’ll be the only man for the job. For the rest of my life.

I look up at her bottomless eyes as I lay my mouth on her for the first time with nothing in between. The look she shoots me will be one of those treasures she gives that I’ll keep with me, holding it close on my darkest days. Birdie is the type of woman that can make a man walk through hell for her and come out on the other side thankful they got the opportunity. And she’s all mine!

Chapter Thirteen



Once his mouth is on me, I’m lost. My focus comes down to just feelings. The sight of his eyes and nothing else over the top of my mound is enough to induce an ovary-exploding orgasm but combined with whatever he’s doing with his tongue and I’m a goner. His tongue dances over my clit and back again until there’s not a spot he hasn’t touched and explored, from my pussy to even my asshole.

And Gareth is thorough. If he goes at everything in his world like he’s going after my pussy then I understand why he’s so successful at everything he does. Teaching, detecting, and remodeling this big house, I’m starting to realize Gareth never does anything by halves. He puts his whole soul into it. He’s not just licking or sucking my sensitive areas, he’s devouring them, savoring them, rearranging them so they will only ever want just him. It’s a little scary and a lot overwhelming.

My body doesn’t care how scary it is though. It only wants Gareth and for him to keep doing what he’s doing. I tense up and try to push closer to his mouth. My lower tummy tightens in anticipation of the coming release. I’ve cum before, once with Gareth even, but never like this.

I reach out for something and, just like he knows without me ever saying a word, Gareth is there to take my hand and twine our fingers together. I arch my back and bring my knees up high giving him better access to anything he wants. It doesn’t take long before I am sinking my fingers in his hair and my heels in his back. Then I’m giving him what he wants…my orgasm.

My body shakes through the release and for a few seconds I lose my breath…and my ability to move. I never realized someone could literally take your breath away like the song says but damned if Gareth didn’t do just that. I’m completely limp when he picks me up to carry me, to the bed assume, but we never make it there. Instead, while I’m still half asleep and have orgasm brain, something starts hitting the wall next to us. I can’t understand what’s going on, but Gareth apparently does.

He takes both of us to the ground and rolls us, so we are behind the couch which is also getting hit by the mystery objects. At first, I think someone is throwing rocks at the house and then it hits me that the things coming through the wall, windows, and couch aren’t rocks…they’re freakin’ bullets.

“Is that…are those…?” I can’t bring myself to ask if I’m right and someone is shooting at us. “Oh my God! The molding!”

Gareth grabs me by the hand and pulls me back down so he can cover me again. I had wiggled out from under him and gotten to my knees so I could poke my head over the back of the couch. I don’t know fucking why!

“I can fix the fucking molding. I can’t fix you!”

I watch him hitting buttons on his phone the entire time. Someone must finally answer because he starts yelling into the phone as he lays it on the ground so he can reach for his gun. “Shots fired! Shots fired! Officer needs assistance immediately!”

He looks at me and speaks with such command that I don’t dare do anything else but follow what he’s telling me, “Stay down and don’t you dare move from this spot.”

I nod my head but I don’t think he's looking any longer because he is already crawling around the end of the couch when the front door is kicked in.

Gareth shoots and hits one of the guys in the leg before the other one stops firing and starts helping his buddy, only occasionally firing back at us. Gareth is up and moving before I can reach out to touch him one last time. I don’t realize at first that tears are streaming down my face until something on the side of my face starts to sting. I raise my hand to touch where the stinging is at and it comes away smeared with a little bit of blood. The salt of my tears has made it burn and finally got my attention.

I lay and listen to the silence in the aftermath which is the absolute worst. No one ever talks about the silence that happens after a huge disaster or tragedy because of how awful it is. It’s worse than when things are going all crazy stupid and the world is ending. It means it’s over and you will never be able to say you are the same person as before. Even if nothing else is lost, you’ve lost a part of yourself.

Gareth finally comes back to stand over me and offers me a hand up off the floor. I look around at all the damage and want to cry harder at what’s happened to something that once was so beautiful. Not to mention the hours and hours of time Gareth had to put into it to make it so beautiful. And now…it’s just gone!

He rubs the spot right under the stinging gently and moves my head to the side so he can take a better look at it. And then the noise comes flooding back in. So many people and sounds come rushing into the room that at first, it’s hard for me to catch my breath and then Gareth is there again, taking me by the hand and centering me. This time I don’t hesitate to grab onto him and hold on tight.

Chapter Fourteen
