Page 13 of UnderCover

I give him an absent-minded nod before going into the room I…we slept in last night. A bathroom adjoins the room and it’s been a minute since I’ve indulged in anything but a quick in and out. A nice long, hot shower seems like the best way to wrap this day up and wash away the stress.

Chapter Ten



I end up rummaging through a dresser drawer in my room, looking for another pair of pajama bottoms. I never wear clothes when I sleep so…trying to find a pair of bottoms is a real test of my patience. I had meant to grab a pair of bottoms and be out before Birdie even knew I had come in but this is taking forever.

The sound of something falling to the floor of the shower has me turning my attention to the bathroom.

“Birdie?” I wait but she doesn’t reply when I call her name, so I try again. “Birdie?”

This time I step closer to the door and listen, but I can’t hear anything but the shower running. I step into the room and try to look through the steam and mist from the water but can’t tell if Birdie is standing or if the thing that hit the floor was Birdie herself. I can’t wait any longer to find out either. She could be in there drowning while I am out here trying to preserve her modesty.

I step closer and pull the shower curtain back to see a vision of heaven in front of me. Birdie is standing there in the spray wearing nothing but soapy bubbles and glistening water. Her arms are above her head, eyes closed, washing the shampoo out of her hair. I can’t say a thing - my mouth is too damned dry. All of the moisture is down in my balls waiting to be let out.

She finally realizes something is different and opens her eyes to meet mine. She yelps and tries to cover herself. But those little hands aren’t nearly big enough to cover all the curves this woman has. Her breasts spill over her arm and the hand that comes down to cup her pussy doesn’t arrive in time to stop me from seeing the little strip of hair leading down to a set of puffy lips begging me to touch and kiss and take.

I regain most of my senses and try to stumble through an apology. “I…uh, sorry. I called out but when you didn’t answer me… I got worried.”

If I was a gentleman, I would turn around and give her some of her privacy back. But I don’t think anyone has ever mistaken me for a gentleman. She nods.

“I…I dropped the shampoo bottle.”

I give her a slow nod. I should really turn around. “You’re okay though?”

She nods and tries to jostle her breasts together for better coverage but just can’t do it. Her hands aren’t big enough, but mine are. I could totally help her hide those curves with my hands, and my mouth, and my body.

“Come here.” I wait for her to make up her mind. If she tells me to go, I will. But if she comes to me, I won’t be held responsible for what I do.

I wait with held breath. Then she steps closer to me. Just one tiny step and then two. Close enough for me to reach out and touch her. Close enough.

I pull her by the hip closer still before I take her mouth with mine. She’s so soft her skin feels like velvet. She’s shy but eventually, she kisses me back with soft lips that cling to mine. But I need more.

“Open your mouth for me, baby,” I mumble the words against her lips, too worried that she’ll have me stop if I take my mouth away from hers. She does shyly and I finally have to pull back before I do something neither of us is ready for.

I stare down at her closed eyes again and wait for her to open them for me.

“Stay safe, baby. I’ll be just outside in the bedroom.”

She nods eventually and I make myself turn to leave. Several minutes later she comes out to find that I am waiting on her. She holds the towel she’s wrapped around her tightly.

“I laid out some new clothes for you,” I finally break eye contact to look over at where I left the shirt I laid out for her, “but we really should think about going shopping or maybe ordering something online.”

She looks at me with an expectant look.

“Don’t think I’m going anywhere.” Even as I say it I stand so I can give her some space to dress. “These men have already proven to be killers twice over. I’m going to be close until we find these assholes and make sure they don’t come anywhere near you. Besides…you’re in my room.”

I walk out of the room and give her fifteen minutes while I check in with Waylen. And then make sure the security is set for not only the house but the property as well. When I walk back into the room, it’s to find Birdie already in bed and half asleep. I slip in and nuzzle against her neck as I wrap my arms around her soft body.

Sometime during the night, I wake to find Birdie back on top of me. Her shirt has ridden up again leaving her in nothing down below but a tiny scrap of silk. I run my hands down her back and over her hips before I start rubbing up and down her back. She squirms on top of me causing me to groan out and try to stay still so I don’t wake her. She needs her rest.

Think of baseball, think of baseball. It does not help and I eventually drop my hands down to her hips and teach her how to move on my cock until she is gasping out in her sleep. Her hips rock back and forth as she presses down on my thick cock before dropping kisses on my chest…all while still asleep.

How the hell am I supposed to stop this when it literally feels like heaven?

The motion of our bodies has lowered my bottoms so that my cock is out and leaving a trail of cum all along her lace-covered pussy. I reach down and move the gusset of her panties over so that bare skin is touching bare skin.