Page 10 of The Run In

“Thank you, Mrs. Locke. I appreciate your support.”

She took in a deep breath and stood. “I’ve got work to do, so get that information to Quinn by Friday morning.”

Standing, I nodded. “Yes, ma’am.”

“It was a pleasure meeting you, Saylor. I’ll let you tell Quinn the meeting is over.”

I tried to hide my smirk, but I was sure I failed. “I’ll do that, Mrs. Locke.”

She turned and walked out the door that was behind her. I ripped my notes out of the pad and made my way out of the conference room. When I walked out, I saw Mason leaning up against a wall talking to a bleached-blonde. She laughed at something he said, and he winked at her.

Ugh. Pig.

I walked up to him and cleared my throat. “Mrs. Locke said the meeting is over. I’m supposed to deliver my research to you by Friday morning.”

Smiling at the young woman he was talking to, I excused myself and headed to the elevator. I didn’t want to admit to myself that I was a bit sad Mason hadn’t followed me.

When I stepped into the elevator, I glanced over to see him still talking to the woman. As the doors shut, I noticed him handing her his business card.

I dropped my head and closed my eyes, trying to figure out why I was so bothered by what I’d just seen between Mason and the blonde.

Men. They’re all the same. Each and every one of them.

Lifting my head, I drew in a deep breath and then pushed it out. It didn’t matter. I’d sworn off men after I’d left Ron. My only focus was on my new job and showing Maxwell and Locke that they hadn’t made a mistake in hiring me.



I SAT ATmy desk and stared at the folder Saylor had ready before I came in this morning.

Her notes were spot on, and I could tell she’d researched the shit out of Jameson Rum’s competitors. Her study on the market around rum and when she thought would be the best time to launch a new campaign was gutsy. I had to hand it to her; the girl should probably be sitting in my chair. Her ideas were solid, and I knew both Ava and Derrick would be on board with them. Not to mention, they were different and fun.

Clearing my throat, I closed the file and set it on top of another brief I’d received for a meeting later this afternoon.

My phone buzzed. Hitting a button, I said, “Yes? What is it, Ashley?”

“Charisa Phelps to see you, Mr. Quinn.”

I rolled my eyes.


“Send her in.”

Less than thirty seconds later, Charisa walked in. I couldn’t help but notice that her blouse was showing a little more cleavage than normal.

“Charisa, what can help you with?” I asked in an uninterested voice.

Shutting the door, she flashed me a smile and made her way around my desk.

Christ. Not again.

I’d met Charisa last year at a marketing meeting in Chicago. We’d talked, drank a little too much, and had ended up in her hotel room where I’d fucked her brains out. She hadn’t told me at the time what firm she worked for, but for some crazy reason, I’d thought it was one in LA. When I’d taken the job with Maxwell and Locke, I’d been surprised as hell to see her walk by my office that first morning.

She pulled up her skirt to reveal her bare pussy as she walked up and straddled me.

“Mason, I really wish you’d stop playing hard to get.”