Page 4 of The Run In

I rolled my eyes. “He’ll get over it.”

Her eyes widened in surprise. “Um, yes. Well, let me go ahead and show you where your office is Ms. Night. You’ll be in the office next to Mr. Quinn.”

Oh great. That meant the boss would be watching my every move. He was probably older and thought woman had no place in the office. He’d probably be threatened by the fact that I’d held his position at Smith and Smith before I decided a needed a less stressful job. All of the men under me hated that I was their boss. It was one of the reasons I’d been ready to leave Smith and Smith marketing. Well, a small reason. The main reason I’d left Seattle was my overly-possessive ex who couldn’t seem to accept that we were no longer together. When he’d started acting crazy I knew it was time to leave.

“My name is Lynn,” the woman behind the desk said, “and I’m the receptionist for all of the product managers and the research analysts.”

I nodded. “Oh, I’m sorry I thought you were Mr. Quinn’s assistant.”

She smiled. “Well, I’m the first line of defense. Ashley is actually his receptionist. I’ll introduce you to her since she’ll be working closer to you. But, if you need anything, I’m your receptionist, not Ashley. She’s dedicated to Mr. Quinn only.”

Leaning in closer to me, Lynn whispered, “Everyone in the office thinks they’re having an affair, but don’t let the rumors get to you. Ashley’s super sweet.”

I snarled my lip. “Is he one of those?”

Lynn laughed. “Wait until you meet him.”

“Speaking of, I’m actually late for my meeting with him.”

Waving me off, she said, “He’s running late this morning, so don’t worry. He doesn’t even have to know you were late.”

I gave her a warm smile. I liked Lynn, and I could totally see us becoming friends. I’d have to ask Mary what she knew about Lynn and Ashley.

Lynn led me down the hall and opened a door. “This is your office.”

My eyes widened in surprise. “Wow. It’s stunning.”

She giggled behind me. “Yeah, it’s one of the bigger offices.”

Turning to face her, I asked, “Why do I get it?”

With a shrug, she replied, “Mr. Quinn said he wanted his marketing research analyst closer to him. Next to you is another analyst and on the other side of him is one of the product managers. You’ve got the most experience, so I’m guessing that’s why he wants you close by.”

I nodded as I set my purse and computer bag on top of a dark mahogany desk. My old office back at Smith and Smith was half this size and didn’t have a single window. It was dark and dreary—not like this.

“I better take you to meet Ashley,” Lynn said.

Straightening out my dress, I glanced down to see that I had tea all over my light blue shirt.

“Crap,” I mumbled.

“What’s wrong?” Lynn asked.

“Oh, I ran into some jackass downstairs, and my chai latte spilled all over him. I guess it got on me as well.”

Walking over to take a closer look, she shook her head. “It’s fine. Besides, Mr. Quinn will most likely keep you for all of two minutes and then send you on your way. He’s totally focused on his job, and honestly, he’ll probably forget you’re even in the room.”

I chuckled. “You’re bad, talking about the boss that way.”

She winked. “Well, I could say naughtier things about him, but I won’t.”

My smiled faded. “Naughtier?”

Lynn was already walking out my office door, so I couldn’t quiz her on what she meant. Did that mean he was sexually naughty or an old dick who was naughty?

I followed Lynn around the corner to a recessed area. Ashley’s desk was set back from everyone else, and there was a small waiting room off to the side. I focused on the office door. I could see boxes lined up along the one window where the blinds were partially open.

“Ashley, I was just showing Ms. Night around since Mr. Quinn’s running late.”