Page 46 of The Run In

“How about I bring you dinner tonight? Since you’re in town and I never really get to see Maddie, I’d love to stop by.”

Kris’s eyes lit up. “Can you bring Chinese from that place you and Charlie used to go to all the time?”

Laughing, I walked up to her and kissed her on the cheek. “Yes. Pepper steak, still?”

She pulled her head back and tilted it some as she regarded me.

“What?” I asked.

“You know, most men wouldn’t remember what their sister-in-law likes from a Chinese restaurant. You’re going to make an amazing husband if you’d ever let that wall down.”

My brows drew closer. “What wall?”

She brought her hands to her hips. “The one that you’ve put up in some sad attempt to focus solely on your career. You’re thirty-two, Mason. It’s time to think about a family.”

“Kris, I just landed the job I’ve been working toward my whole career.”

“Why can’t you have both?”

I sighed. “Because a woman is going to demand attention. Want me home at five to eat dinner and then watch some fucking TV series on Netflix that ended five years ago. Then she’ll want a kid, which means more responsibility and play dates and all of that. When would I have time to work?”

She folded her arms over her chest. “Bullshit.”

My chest squeezed. “What do you mean, bullshit?”

“That’s all bullshit, and you know it. Your brother is the damn CEO of a company in another state! He flies back and forth at least once a week, and I work full time as well. We go down the path we choose to walk along, Mason. Just don’t be blinded by the wrong thing as you travel down yours. If you pass an exit, it’s hard to turn around.”

I rolled my eyes and pulled my phone out. I sent a text to my driver and told him I’d be heading down. “Jesus, you can tell you’re a writer.”

She chuckled. “I write bios and boring shit for large companies.”

Kissing her on the forehead, I started toward the door. “Then you missed your calling, sis. I’ve got to run. Text me or call if you guys need anything.”

“Will do. Don’t forget egg rolls tonight. No! Springs rolls!”

Waving my hand, I shut the door, then headed to the elevator and down to the lobby.

I pulled out my phone and hit Ashley’s number.

“Mr. Quinn, your meeting with Johnson and Johnson was moved up to one.”

Glancing at my watch, I saw that it was just after twelve thirty. “Shit. Okay, I’m leaving the Ritz now and will be there as fast as I can. Just make sure they’re all seated in the conference room on time. Don’t make them wait for me if I’m not there.”

“Yes, sir.”

I hit ‘End’ and slipped into my waiting car. “Back to the office. And try to take the faster route; I’m late for a meeting.”

The driver nodded and said, “Will do, Mr. Quinn.

He took off and started making his way through traffic as I stared out the window and cursed to myself. I’d wanted to get to the office first thing this morning to talk to Saylor—and apologize for calling her Saturday night and acting like an ass. Then I’d planned on asking her to lunch. I needed to figure out exactly what in the hell I was feeling for her and I needed to know if she felt the same.

When Kris had called me late last night to say it was freezing in the house and their heat didn’t work, I’d immediately headed to Jersey to get her and the baby. By the time we’d gotten back to the city and I had her and Maddie settled in the hotel, half the damn workday had passed me by.

When I realized I’d been staring at the same damn café for a few minutes, I looked forward. “Have we moved at all?”

“Not in the last fifteen minutes, sir. We’ve come up on an accident.”
