Page 35 of The Run In

“Excuse me?” he asked. He must be moving away from the crowd. The car pulled up and parked. Much to my surprise, Joshua was waiting outside for me. When the driver got out and opened my door, our eyes met and we both smiled.

“I said no. It’s the weekend, and if you needed it earlier than you originally said, you should have told me.”

Joshua walked up and kissed me on the cheek. “You look stunning,” he said.

“Who’s that?” Mason asked.

“No one. I need to go, Mason. I’m heading into a dinner.”

“Ms. Night. I think you seem to forget who you’re talking to. I want the files tomorrow morning, so I suggest you cut your date short and get your ass working on the goddamn ad you said you could do.”

Now I was pissed. I was beginning to think taking the job at Maxwell and Locke had been a mistake.

“Mr. Quinn, I’m sorry, but I am unable to get you those ads tomorrow morning. I’d be more than happy to work on them this weekend in an attempt to deliver them to you on Sunday, but I cannot possibly guarantee they’ll be ready before Monday morning. Again, this is the weekend. And the last time I checked, I wasn’t required to work weekends.”

I could hear him breathing heavily on the other line, and I couldn’t help but smile. Joshua slid his arm around my waist and chuckled.

Turning to him, I raised an eyebrow, and he held up his other hand as if to say he’d behave.

“You’re really honestly telling me no right now, Saylor?”

“Yes, Mr. Quinn. I’m not the receptionist you think you can control any time of the day or night. Yes, I’m your employee, but only Monday through Friday from eight AM to five PM. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m being rude.”

I hit ‘End’ and dropped my phone into my bag. It wasn’t lost on me that my hand was shaking.

Shit. Why did I push the limits with Mason? One of these days I was going to get myself fired.

Laughing next to me, Joshua said, “Damn girl, if I hadn’t promised this was a business dinner, I’d say something about my dick getting hard from listening to you put your boss in his place.”

Stopping, I stared at Joshua. “Seriously? You promised.”

He held up his hands again and motioned for me to start walking. Placing his hand on the small of my back, he led me into the grand ballroom. Twinkle lights hung down from the ceiling and cast shadows all around the room, creating a magical feel. Gorgeous fresh flowers in giant vases were peppered throughout the room. The smell alone made me smile. “I’m sorry. You’re right, Joshua said. “Let’s head on in and mingle. You may even see some people from Maxwell and Locke here.”

I froze, and he turned to look at me. “What’s wrong?”

People from Maxwell and Locke will be here?”

He nodded. “Yes. This is a huge fundraiser that both Ava and Derrick’s parents are involved with.”

I relaxed and grinned. Why was I worried? I could easily explain why I was with Joshua, so I wasn’t sure why I’d gotten myself worked up. “So, Ava and Derrick will be here?”

Placing his hand on my back again—which he really liked doing—he led me over to the bar. “Among other people.”

I swallowed hard. Shit. That’s why I’d gotten myself worked up. It had sounded like Mason was at a function on the phone.

Quickly glancing around, I attempted to peer through the sea of people.

“What would you like to drink, Saylor?”

Needing something strong, I focused back on Joshua and replied, “Jameson Rum and Coke.”

His mouth turned up into a beautiful smile. It was the first time I’d actually seen his smile reach his eyes. And strangely enough, I found I liked it.

Returning his smile, I started to say something when I felt all the hair on my body rise.

“Fancy seeing you here tonight.”

I heard his voice behind me and I froze. Joshua looked past my shoulder and drew his brows together before realizing what he’d done. His smile returned, but it wasn’t the same brilliant one as before. Reaching around me, he said, “Good seeing you, Mason Quinn. Figured I might see you here tonight.”