Page 2 of The Run In

“Oh, my gosh! I’m so sorry. I didn’t see you!”

“No fucking shit, you didn’t see me!”

Ahh, the people of New York City.

Reaching into my bag, I grabbed a few napkins and attempted to wipe the drink off his expensive-as-hell-looking suit.

“Did you not look where you were going?” he asked in an angry tone.

Not looking up at him, I replied, “Well, were you looking where you were going,asshole?”

When in Rome, right?

He grabbed my wrist, and I gasped at the electric shock that ran through my body. I jerked my eyes up at him and opened my mouth to demand that he let me go, when I stopped.

Holy. Shit.

The guy standing in front of me was hella good-looking. No. He was more than good-looking. Could someone be beyond good-looking? Handsome wasn’t the right word; he was beyond that too. His warm honey eyes were staring into my hazel ones, and for a moment, it looked like he was just as stunned as I was.

No. No, I knew that look. He was pissed. There was no way a guy that freaking hot would ever look at me with such intensity in his eyes. I was nothing special. My blonde hair was pulled up, and I had decided to go light on my make-up today. Mascara, a light coat of powder, and a hint of blush were all that graced my face.

Yet, he was staring at me with a look I’d never seen before. Then he furrowed his brows.

Oh yeah. He’s pissed.

“Did you just call me an asshole?”

Ugh. He was one of those guys. God forbid a woman speak her mind.

I returned his stare and focused on making my voice strong and clear. “I did, and if you don’t let go of me, my knee’s going to be connecting with your dick in less than five seconds.”

He slowly tilted his head to the side, and the corners of his mouth rose into the sexiest smile I’d ever seen on a man.

My knees wobbled. They freaking wobbled. I thought that only happened in books.

Oddly, when he let go, I missed the warmth of his hand.

“I’m sorry about your suit. I’ll pay to have it cleaned.”

He laughed. “You couldn’t afford it.”

Gag me, I thought. Then I chastised myself for internally saying gag me.

I grinned. “Try me, Mr. Fancy Pants.”

He chuckledandsomehow managed to flash me ago to helllook while keeping that sexy smile on his face. How was that even possible?


“It’s fine. Don’t worry about it. I’m late for a meeting.” His voice was dripping with anger.

Squaring my shoulders, I reached into my purse and pulled out one of my old business cards. Thank goodness I still had them on me.

Handing him my card, I sighed. “Listen, I’m very capable of paying to have your damn overpriced suit cleaned. My cell is listed on there. I’m new to the city, but I can meet you at your dry cleaners or whatever. Now if you’ll excuse me, asshat,I’mlate for a meeting.”

Turning on my heels, I made my way to the elevator that was now in plain sight. Stupid black doors blended into the damn walls. Who does that? Oh, right, I was in New York City. Apparently they did.

When I pushed the button, asshat was standing next to me, staring at my card. I took a chance and peeked up at him again. He might have been a jerk, but he was a damn good-looking jerk. I was a woman after all. It was my duty to look. And to wipe away the small amount of drool pooling at the corner of my mouth.