“I brought her here so she could meet some people. She’s new in town. I didn’t realize that meant I had to be stuck to her like glue.”
“Then make up your goddamn mind,” he shot back in a loud whisper. “She’s either a co-worker or your date. Either way, you sneaking off to release your snake was a shit thing to do. I don’t blame the woman for leaving and, to be honest, Drake’s a good guy. Rich, funny, and not a douche.”
Ouch. That one hurt more than the slap.
“Yeah, well, thanks for letting me know how you really feel about me, Jack. I’m out of here.”
“Mason. Come on, dude.”
I lifted my hand and gave him a wave. “Love the house. Left my gift on the table.”
“Mason!” Jack cried out as I left.
The second I hit the lobby, I raced out to the valet Jack had hired for the night. “I need my car, fast. A hundred bucks if you bring it up next.”
I handed the young kid a hundred and he smiled. “Yes, sir. Right away, sir.”
I reached for my phone and pulled up Saylor’s number. I quickly typed out a message.
Me: Where are you?
Saylor: Why do you care? You actually abandoned me twice tonight. Thanks for that…Mr. Quinn.
Me: Where in the fuck are you, Saylor? You don’t know New York, and you don’t know the guy you’re with.
Saylor: You clearly knew the girl you snuck off with. Though then again, maybe you didn’t. Hope you used protection. Wait! This might not be an appropriate conversation between two co-workers. Colleagues. Work associates, and last but certainly my favorite: boss and employee.
The valet pulled up with my car and handed me the keys. “Thanks,” I mumbled as I got in. Hitting the steering wheel, I yelled out a loud, “Fuck!” What in the hell was this girl doing to me? I couldn’t think straight. All I wanted to do was find this Drake guy and punch the living shit out of him.
I hit the gas and headed over to Saylor’s place. I had no idea if she would be there or not, but I had every intention of sitting outside her damn door until she got home.
I slammed my brakes in front of Saylor’s expensive-ass Manhattan apartment building and threw my BMW into park. The doorman rushed over to me.
“Sir, you can’t leave your car there.”
Handing him a hundred, I said, “Park it in Ms. Night’s spot.”
“Will you be here all evening, sir?”
Stopping, I looked at him and grinned. “Yes.”
The second doorman at the desk recognized me from earlier. “Ah, good evening, Mr. Quinn. Will you be visiting Ms. Night?”
“Yes,” I responded with a forced smile. “Is she here?”
He nodded. “She arrived just a bit ago with a visitor. Would you like me to announce you?”
My blood started to boil. “No, that’s okay; she’s expecting me.”
With another nod, he motioned for me to head to the elevator. If that was my doorman and he just let any Tom, Dick, or Harry in, I’d be fuming.
I hit the elevator button so hard I was afraid I’d break it. I ran my hand through my hair as I sighed. I honestly didn’t peg Saylor for someone who would hook up with a total stranger. I reminded myself that was why I was here, to save her from some lunatic asshole who she only met hours ago.
She’d only met me a week ago, and here I was playing her savior.
The bell chimed, signaling I was on Saylor’s floor. Inhaling a breath, I headed down the long hall. Then I stopped and leaned against the wall.