Page 17 of The Run In

No one said a word. Mason scanned the room, waiting for someone to speak up. “Are all of you daft?”

Then he looked at me.

Clearing my throat, I said, “You’d focus on the nutrients, the fact that the product has no GMOs, and how many grams of protein it contains. You’d comment on how the product feeds your muscles. Things along those lines.”

The corner of his mouth rose slightly and he almost looked proud of what I’d said. Pointing to me, he said, “Thank you, Saylor, for being the only person to come up with an answer to my question.”

I nodded.

A few people moved uncomfortably in their seats while Mason continued to lay into everyone. “Do you people do nothing but screw off all day?”

I noticed how every now and then it sounded as if Mason had a British accent. That was interesting. He turned his back on us and I knew he was trying to get his anger under control.

Leaning over to Jenn, I asked in a whisper, “Am I imagining it, or does he sometimes sound slightly British?”

She covered her mouth to hide her smile. “He’s from England. Moved here when he was young. When he gets mad like this, you can pick up the accent. He’ll even throw in a British slang word. It’s adorable.”

With Jenn’s use of the world adorable, I knew she had a crush on Mason.

Though I wouldn’t exactly call it adorable when Mason let that little accent slip; I’d label it more like sexy as hell.

After another ten minutes of Mason blasting into everyone, he pushed his hand through his hair again. It was clearly something he did when he was frustrated and damn it all to hell if it didn’t make my lower stomach pull slightly with desire. Here I was judging Jenn when I was secretly sighing as well.

Mason glared around the room and said, “Get back to the drawing board on this. I want something new on my desk first thing Monday morning, and if it isn’t spot on, anyone working on this campaign is fired.”

A few people let out groans while everyone moved to stand and make their way out of the room. Jenn turned to me and frowned. “Well, I was going to invite you to happy hour, but I’m pretty sure I’ll be working late tonight.”

“Thank you for the invite, maybe next week?”

She nodded. “Sounds good. Enjoy your weekend if I don’t see you again, Saylor.”

“I will. You do the same.”

Making my way to the door, Mason’s voice stopped me in my tracks. “Saylor, don’t leave. I need to speak with you.”

I nodded and stepped out of the way as everyone else retreated from the room. Ashley was standing off to the side, waiting for everyone to leave as well.

“Ashley, you can leave too,” Mason said. “Shut the door on your way out.”

The young woman looked confused. “Um, yes, sir.” After pausing, she said quietly, “You have a conference call in ten minutes, Mr. Quinn.”

When I glanced over at Mason, my breath caught in my throat. He was staring at me with the most intense look I’d ever seen on a man’s face.

“Cancel it. I’m not sure how long Ms. Night and I will be.”

“Yes, sir.”

Well, hell, this can’t be good. I wonder if that marketing firm in Chicago is still looking for someone?



SAYLOR STOOD THERE,waiting for me to speak.

I was already pissed about the botched campaign ad for the damn protein bars, but when she made that comment about Charisa, it really fucking pissed me off.

“Why did you say that?” I asked.