Page 13 of The Run In

Saylor Night was honored for her work with a local charity in the Seattle, Washington, area that builds homes for wounded veterans. Accompanying her to the event was long-time boyfriend, Ron Johnson.

I closed out the window and went back to Google to type in Ron Johnson, Seattle, Washington.

Local musician arrested for breaking restraining order put out by former girlfriend and senior marketing manager at Smith and Smith Marketing.

Staring at the tagline, I swallowed hard as I clicked on it.

Ron Johnson, 29, of Evert, Washington, was arrested after refusing to leave the office of his once long-time girlfriend, Saylor Night. Ms. Night works at Smith and Smith as a senior marketing manager. It is unclear why the original restraining order was issued.

I moved my cursor up to the X and closed the window. It suddenly felt like I was invading Saylor’s privacy.

That’s when I saw another picture, and my chest squeezed. It was Saylor with a black eye exiting a building. I hovered my cursor over the picture before I closed my eyes and clicked it. A new window popped up featuring a news article.

Saylor Night, Seattle’s volunteer princess, left battered and bruised. There have been no police reports filed, but speculation is that her long-time boyfriend, Ron Johnson of local musical group In Touch, is behind the marks.

I quickly closed the browser and leaned back in my chair. I pushed both of my hands through my hair and dragged in a deep breath.

What in the hell was happening to me? Why was I so angry?And why in the hell did I want to track this motherfucker down and beat his ass into the ground?

Letting out a groan, I stood and walked over to the windows. In one week, Saylor Night had managed to get under my skin—and not even in an annoying way.



THE MOMENT Iwalked into Pete’s, I smiled. I could see why Mason came here often. It was a higher class bar. Almost everyone was dressed in suits or business casual attire.

I made my way to the bar and sat on a stool. The gentleman next to me glanced my way and smiled. I steadied myself. For the briefest of moments, he’d looked like Ron, my ex back in Seattle.

Letting out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding, I returned the man’s smile and shifted my focus to the bartender. After we made eye contact, he headed directly toward me.

“What can I do you for?”

“Jim Ross around?” I asked.

He smiled bigger, which made me smile. Two good looking guys and two smiles in less than two minutes.


But I wasn’t interested. I’d sworn off men until the end of time. Well, maybe not theendof time.

“I’m Jim. You must be Saylor Night.”

Reaching my hand out over the bar, I nodded. “You’d be correct.”

“Well, damn, had I known you were so good looking, I would have suggested dinner, pretty lady.”

With a polite chuckle, I opened my mouth to respond but was cut off by another voice.

“Mason Quinn. The pretty lady’s boss.”

I turned my head to glare at Mason.

What in the hell was he on about with that remark?And why did he sound so possessive?

Jim laughed and shook his head. “Mason, how’ve you been?”

Taking the seat next to me, Mason grinned. “Good. You?”