Page 32 of The Run In

“I’m sure Joshua will want to work closely alongside Ms. Night to make sure the ad campaign stays on track.”

I swung my eyes back to the old man. “I’m sure we’ll be able to handle it just fine without Joshua having to get too involved.”

The old man hit me on the shoulder and gave me a wink. “Let’s call it how we see it, son. She’s pretty. He noticed. Let’s hope he behaves himself.”

My mouth dropped slightly open. This man was actually going to allow his son to hit on Saylor. The man who currently sat under the CEO of their company.

I forced a smile. “I believe you’ll find Ms. Night very professional and deserving of the utmost respect.”

The asshole chuckled. I knew a lot of men like him. Older suits who believed that the women working alongside them weren’t as qualified to even be in the same room as them, let alone running the show. To them, they were nothing but a pussy waiting to have fun with while their poor wives sat at home thinking they were in a late-night meeting. ‘Working overtime,’ when they were really fucking the receptionist and making plans to screw some other woman they picked up down at the pub.

“I’ve found, in my experience, that most of these working women use their bodies to get what they want,” he said.

My anger was growing. Usually, I’d ignore these types of comments and change the subject, but like with anything else having to do with Saylor, I wasn’t acting like my normal self.

“Are you saying you only liked the ad campaign because of Ms. Night’s nice body?”

Shit. I’d just treated Saylor exactly like this fucker had.

He shook his head. “No, no, of course not, Quinn. This one actually has a head sitting on top of that body.”

For Christ’s sake.

“Dad, I’d like to formally introduce you to Ms. Saylor Night. Saylor, this is my father, Dudley Jameson.”

Saylor reached her hand out to shake Mr. Jameson’s, but he took it and kissed the back of her fingers.

“Well, I see the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,” Saylor responded with a tight smile.

I glared at the old man and then at Joshua. His hand was resting on Saylor’s lower back. I wanted to grab him and pound his fucking face into the ground for touching my girl.

My girl?

All the air in my body left at once, and I took a few steps back to steady myself. Annie had called it. When I had gone to her place and simply drank and talked about Saylor all night, she had said I was falling for her. I had laughed at the time.

Lifting my gaze back to Saylor I fought to keep my legs from buckling under me.

Holy shit.

I was falling for Saylor. Slicing my hand through my hair, I dragged in a deep breath. Then I felt it. Saylor touched me, and an instant bolt of energy ripped through my body.

“Mason, are you okay?”

I couldn’t speak. Hell, I could hardly breathe. When my eyes met hers, I forced air in and out of my lungs.

There was no way I was falling for Saylor.

No. I’m attracted to her, and I know I can’t have her. That’s all this is.

Her eyes looked worried. “Mason? What’s wrong?”

“I am—I haven’t eaten since early yesterday and haven’t gotten a lot of sleep. It’s catching up to me.”

Her brows pulled together as she continued to study me.

“I guess you won’t be joining us for dinner later then?” Joshua said, a smirk on his face.

“No. I won’t.”