Page 56 of Sweet & Spicy

“How are you, Anne?” she asked, offering me a kind smile when she stopped next to Brad.

“Wait,” he said. “How do you two know each other?”

“I made her sister’s wedding dress,” Luna said, then tilted her head at him. “Why?” she asked, nudging him. “You afraid I’ve told her all your dirty little secrets?”

I raised my eyebrows at him. “Brad has secrets?” I laughed.

Luna nodded exaggeratedly. “Big time,” she said.

Brad jerked her into a side hug, shaking his head as he looked down at her. “If you tell,Itell,” he said, cocking an eyebrow at her. “Remember that.”

“You’re a menace,” she said, shoving him off, but there was a laughter in her eyes that was pretty hard to miss. “Are we heading out?”

“In just a second,” Brad said. “I’ve got to try these samples.”

Luna rolled her eyes as Brad ogled the plate of treats, trying to pick out the best one.

“How long have you known this one?” I asked, nodding to Brad.

“All my life,” she said, shrugging.

“She’s been stuck with me since we were ten,” Brad explained.

I furrowed my brow, trying to remember if I’d ever seen her at any of the charity functions but coming up blank. I’d feel like a jerk if I’d somehow forgotten her—

“Family friends,” he continued, still scanning the plate of samples. “Not the kind that went to your father’s functions—”

“Thank Christ for that!” Luna cut him off, then flashed me an apologetic look. “Not that there would’ve been anything wrong with that,” she hurried to say. “You and Persephone are a delight…” she stumbled with her words, but I just waved her off.

Brad laughed, shaking his head. “She’s not one for crowds, events, or anything that puts her in the public eye,” he explained. “Basically your run-of-the-mill, anti-social introvert. I practically had to beg her to go out with me tonight—”

“Thanks, Brad,” she said, rolling her eyes.

“I get it,” I said. “No worries. Trust me.”

Luna breathed a sigh of relief, then elbowed Brad in the abdomen for good measure.

“What’d I say?” he asked, looking so bewildered I couldn’t help but laugh.

The bell above the restaurant door chimed, and I watched Jim and Ridge walk inside, Jim smiling at me, and Ridge looking…well, like Ridge.

Lyla popped out of the kitchen with another tray of samples, just as Jim and Ridge made it to us.

Brad finally popped a sample into his mouth, transporting him directly to flavor bliss heaven, his eyes rolling back in his head before he focused on Lyla as she sat down the tray. “Marry me,” he said. “Marry me right now.”

Luna rolled her eyes, but took a calculated step away from the group.

Lyla laughed, shaking her head. “You’re the third one to ask me that today,” she said, motioning to the butter cake he just tried. “I swear I should rename that tomarry mecake.” She winked at Brad, then pointed to the chocolate pieces she’d just put out. “Try that one.”

Brad did while I hugged Jim, and Ridge stood there glaring at their exchange like he was personally offended, either by the cake or by Brad, I couldn’t tell. Luna didn’t look far off from Ridge’s mood, but Brad said she didn’t like crowds and he was about to make her hit the town, so it was understandable.

“Yep,” Brad said after taking the bite. “It stands. Marry me.”

Ridge pushed unceremoniously between them, grunting as he looked down at Lyla. I didn’t realize how much taller he was than her until he was standing directly next to her, looking down at her like she was the source of his perma-scowl.

“If you’re done being proposed to by the suit, can I get my to-go order?” he asked, his tone gruff and short in that way of his.

I opened my mouth, ready to apologize on his behalf to my boss and friend, but Lyla just popped her hands on her hips, staring up at him like she wasn’t affected by his attitude one bit.