Juno: Maybe I’ll meet a nice Italian man and elope this summer?
James: The hell you will.
Juno: Eye roll emoji
Will: James would literally start a war with Italy if that happened, Juno. You don’t want to be responsible for a war, do you?
Juno: If it was true love, it would be worth it.
Keene: Barfing emoji
Chapter Fourteen
She’s pissed as hellat me and yet here I am, alone with her. It’s my own fault, really. I suggested we go out to the countryside and to ride Vespas. Everyone thought it was a great idea, and then somehow it ended up just me and Juno. Eli got a work call the last minute. None of the people with kids wanted to come. Keene decided that he’d rather get pizza with Declan, so here we are.
And she’s glaring at me like she’s like to rip my balls off.
“I waited for you last night,” she says. Under her anger, I see a little flicker of pain.
“Your brother was in the hall,” I respond.
She narrows her eyes. “Which one?”
“The one who is the leader of the free world.”
Her face pales a little. “Oh.”
“Yeah. I don’t particularly want to be on his bad side.”
She bites her lip. “No, me either.”