Page 191 of Be My First

Will: That’s exciting.

Juno: It’s our last stop. We’ve had the time of our lives but we are ready to come home. Miss everyone.

Zadie: We miss you too, Junebug.

Elizabeth: So who is planning this cheese cave trip? Do I have to do it?

Maggie: Seriously.

Declan: We’ll make it happen.

Elizabeth: Cartwheel emoji

James: I’m starting to feel insecure. Is it possible to be threatened by cheese?

Will: I hate to tell you this, but it’s a common marital problem.

Kip: Yeah. I believe it’s the leading cause of divorce.

Elizabeth: Don’t make me choose.

James: Wait. You don’t know if you’d pick me or cheese?

Elizabeth: I just said don’t make me choose.

Eli: ouch.

James: Fuck me.

Elizabeth: Fine. I’d choose you, but I’d be a lot grumpier.

James: I’d never make you choose.

Juno: Well, this has gotten weird.

Zadie: Doesn’t it always?

Declan: Did Bode feel threatened in the cheese cave? Was he afraid you were going to stay forever?

Juno: No.

James: Lucky guy. Hope he knows it.

Juno: Don’t worry. He knows it. He tells me every day.

Keene: Barfing emoji

Brooklyn: Heart eyes emoji

Keene: Be honest – did you fall in love at the Secret Museum?

Declan: Laughing emoji. That’s a story for the grandkids.

Eli: I knew your grandfather was the one when he explained why Pan was fucking that...

Juno: Oh god.

Elizabeth: Wait. What was Pan fucking?