Page 123 of Be My First

James: They are Americans.

Zadie: What?

Eli: Americans? Why?

James: They didn’t like the most recent environmental protection policies I put into place.

Declan: So they are upset that you are protecting the earth?

James: Basically.

Keene: Why?

Will: They stand to lose a lot of money.

Declan: That fucking sucks.

James: It does. There’s going to be a trial.

Juno: I can’t believe Americans did this. Over money?

Will: Yeah. It sucks.

Bode and Juno Text Thread

Bode: I saw on the news that they arrested the people responsible for the bombing. Are you okay?

Juno: It’s upsetting. It’s such a stupid reason to kill people.

Bode: It is.

Juno: I’m glad they were caught, but I hate that we live in a world where people would do something that awful just for greed.

Bode: Me too.

Juno: I guess the trials will be a big event.

Bode: Yes. I’d imagine. How have you been otherwise? School going well?

Juno: Bode. I thought we agreed to go our separate ways.

Bode: I know. It’s not my place. I just want to know if you’re doing well.

Juno: I’m fine. Thank you.

Bode: That’s good. I hope your happy.

Juno: I am.