Page 63 of Forbidden Lies

I just need to fuck her out of my system, then I will apologize for making her cry because she’s dating my brothers, and I need them in my life. “Let’s go,” I say, grabbing her hand and the bottle of vodka.

I ignore Carter and King as they try to flag me down and lead Cheyenne up the stairs and to the guest room. I haven’t had anyone in my bed since Gracie, and I won’t let Chey’s overtly floral perfume on my sheets.

When the door closes behind us, she’s on me like flies on shit. I push her back, and she gives me a grin, biting her bottom lip as she shuffles backward to the bed. I stalk her like my prey, and she squirms as I climb on top of her.

She leans in to kiss me, but I turn my head, letting her lick and nibble on my neck. “What do you want, baby?” she asks, and I groan, but not in a sexy way. Gracie’s gray eyes filled with tears flash in my mind, and my dick deflates.

“Ash? What’s wrong?” Chey asks as I climb off the bed and stomp over to the door. I don’t reply and race down the steps and out the front door. I almost don’t make it to the bushes before I start throwing up.

My chest aches, and my head pulses. She looked so happy and beautiful in her outfit, and I ripped her apart and made her feel like shit. I check my pocket for my keys, then walk over to my car.

I text Sam to watch my house, then start my engine and head to where the girl who owns me is.

When I pull up, her house is dark, and there are no cars in the driveway. I’m surprised Dom left her here alone. I park on the road and climb out. My feet lead me as my heart tells me to stay away.

I knock and wait. No one comes, so I turn the doorknob, and it swings open. I find Gracie on the couch. She’s asleep, and used tissues sit on the table in front of her. She looks so peaceful, and I don’t want to wake her up. I’ll come back tomorrow.

“Ash?” she whispers as I’m about to leave the room. “What are you doing here?” I take a deep breath and then turn to face her.

“I’m an asshole,” I start, and she snorts, then waves her hand for me to keep going. “I’m a huge prick, and I deserve to be kicked in the balls with stilettos,” I say, and she cracks a smile. She sits up and pats the space next to her. I shuffle over and sit down.

“You just make me crazy, Gracie. I can’t control myself around you, and I snap. I shouldn’t because it’s not your fault, but you make me lose myself. Even my dick believes you own it. We just need to see where this goes. Some kind of truce because we can’t keep going like this. I keep hurting you.”

Gracie stares at me, shaking her head. “Ash, what does your dick have to do with anything? I haven’t done anything to it either.”

Taking a deep breath, I can’t believe I’m going to confess this. I can’t tell her I puked when I thought about having sex with someone else; she’ll never understand. “Because, Gracie… my dick won’t get hard for anyone else! You’re all I think about, and when I saw you in that costume, all of the blood in my body flew south to it, causing me to be one.”

“I really didn't know about the costume,” Gracie says, her lips twitching as she tries to keep her smile in. I wish she would let it free. I miss her being happy around me.

“I haven’t been allowed to leave the house to go shopping, so I was planning to make something and saw it in my closet. I guess the old Gracie was overly prepared. But that still doesn’t excuse you yelling at me. I would have left or thrown a hoodie over what I was wearing,” she says, then sniffles.

I lift my arm and hold my breath, waiting to see if she will take my peace offering for comfort. She hesitates but then moves closer, resting her head on my chest.

“I wasn’t expecting to see you there like that. You promised me last year that we would go as the couple fromGame of Thrones, but I never thought you would after the accident. I overreacted, and I’m sorry, Doll.”

She looks up at me, and I stare at her mouth, but I don’t make a move. She turns her head and then leans forward, grabbing her phone off the table.

“You’re missing your party. The guys went back to check on you. They wanted to kick your ass, but I asked them to go see if you were okay. You looked so upset. All I ever seem to do is hurt you,” she mumbles, and I shake my head.

“I don’t want that anymore. I don’t want us to keep being toxic. I know things will never be the same as before, but I can’t keep going on the way we are.” I take a breath and reach out for her, placing a hand on her cheek. I gaze into her gray eyes. The eyes that once showcased all her love for me are now filled with unfallen tears.” I rub my thumb along the bottom of her eye.

“Until you can tell me what happened that night, I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt,” I say, shocking myself, but once the words are spoken… they feel… right. I bring my face closer to hers, breathing on his lips.

“So what do you say, Gracie, truce?”


I don’t know what to say. I want to scream yes and have him kiss me, but that’s just the old Gracie trying to break free. Now, I have three other amazing guys in my life, and I owe it to them to ask permission before I kiss someone else.

I know Ash and I have history, and I think they would be okay with it, but I won’t be that person. I close my eyes and let the tears fall, then nod. I feel his lips on my cheek, and I cry harder.

He pulls me into his chest as he leans back against the couch and holds me tight. “I’m sorry, Gracie. I’m so fucking sorry. I should have never let things get this far, and now I’ve lost you for good,” he whispers, and someone behind us clears their throat.

I sit up, open my eyes, and wipe my face. King is leaning against the wall with a weird look on his face. He has a grocery bag hanging off his wrist. I give him a shaky smile, and he shoots me a wink.

Well, okay, that was unexpected. Ash leans forward and smacks his bare thighs. “I should probably go,” he starts, and King interrupts.

“No, I think it’s time we have a talk. Stay.” King looks at me for permission, and I nod. Shuffling closer to us, he drops the bag on the table, which I can now see has ice cream in it, and hands me the box of tissues.