Page 3 of Forbidden Lies

Mia, my best friend—no, more like my sister—and the only person I can remember from my supposed life.

I wish someone would tell me what happened the night I slipped into a coma, but so far, everyone has kept their mouths shut. All I really know is that I'm some type of miracle.

But no one will tell me what happened to cause my memory loss or why my best friend is gone, but if the whispered snippets of conversation I've come across are any indication, it was bad, really, really bad.

I survived; Mia didn't.

Gone in a horrific, tragic way that no one wants to talk about. All they've told me is that I was the last person to see her alive.

I shake my head of those thoughts and continue to walk the short distance to school. I've been nervous about today. I may be a senior this year, but I can't remember much besides a few memories with Mia. I really hope I find some people to talk to or hang out with. Being the new kid at school, even though technically I've been with my classmates since preschool, is so nerve-wracking.

Supposedly, I'm popular and co-captain of the cheerleading squad, but that doesn't mean much to me without Mia with me. I can't really remember much about cheering, but I have brief memories of watching football games and practices with her by my side.

It's going to be so hard doing this alone. That may make me selfish, but I don't care. I wish she was here. She was always the outgoing one. She would help pull me out of my comfort zone while I would rather hang back and let her shine.

I joined the cheerleading squad for her and danced at parties because she dragged me out onto the dance floor. I don’t know how to survive high school without her.

One time, I was planning to stay in while she went to the beach. She stormed into my room at seven in the morning. She stripped my blanket off me and grabbed my ankle, tugging me off the mattress. She told me I had ten minutes to get ready and get my ass in her car, or she was going to shave my head while I was asleep.

I groaned and grumbled but listened because I knew she was serious. It ended up being one of the best days of my life. At least, that’s what I think since I don’t have many memories anymore.

Life just won’t be the same now that she’s gone.

I’m almost at school when I feel that weird sensation again. Whenever I’m out in public, the back of my neck prickles as if I’m being watched. Hopefully, in the next few months, I will be able to drive, but you know, with a brain injury, they don't suggest it since it can cause further damage, and yada yada yada.

Once again, lost in my rambling thoughts, I don't notice the car slowing down behind me. It’s an expensive vehicle with an attractive man sitting behind the wheel. I stop walking, assuming he wants to speak with me, not thinking he would rev the gas, and purposely try to jump the curb to hit me. I don’t think I’ll ever forget the way the tires sprayed gravel and the near miss of his bumper coming straight toward me.

“What the hell!” I scream, jumping out of the way just in the nick of time, but I end up falling to my knees. Chest gasping, my eyes widen as I see my terrified expression in the reflection of the black truck’s door. Slowly pulling myself up off the ground with a grumble, making sure I'm not hurt, I brush the dirt off my knees and the front of my dress, then storm toward his car to give him a piece of my mind.

“Are you drunk or something? Did you not see me walking here?” I roar almost to his passenger side door.

There are few other reasons for punching the gas when you see a girl walking on the side of the road. This boy was so close to hitting me, and that’s just what I need, another trip to the hospital.

He shakes his head with what looks to be tears blurring his vision. Startled by the intense emotion in his eyes, I slow my steps. I find myself drawn into the sadness in his gaze, wanting to soothe him. Why do I want that? I don’t know this sad, broken boy who is taking his anger out on me. Staring at him gives him the time to snap out of whatever was running through his mind and speed off.

Why was he about to cry? I hope he’s okay. He looked so broken. I shouldn’t care about his problems but find myself thinking about him as I finish the walk to school.

Snap out of it, Gracie. You have enough problems.


“What is wrong with me?” I ask out loud, shaking my head as I speed away. Seeing her walking without a care in the world while Mia is gone… Fuck, I snapped. She just looked so beautiful; something took over me when I saw her. The sun shining off her rose-gold hair, and her long legs exposed for anyone to see.

Who the hell does she think she is? She’s walking around free as a bird when Mia is gone and will never walk again. My sister won’t be able to enjoy the sun on her skin or the chill in the air. I don’t understand why she’s not in jail or a mental health institution. Healthy-minded people don’t go around making pacts to end things.

Why the hell she’s wearing a short summer dress in October, I don't know. Has she become a tease all of a sudden? She was always so sweet before. But I know this is going to be torture for me. I hate her—no, I despise her.

I should not be missing her.

Glancing at the clock, I notice there’s still fifteen minutes until first bell. Perfect. Just enough time for a distraction to get me through this day.Who can I call?I debate my options before hitting the Bluetooth button on my wheel.

“Call Bianca.”

Waiting a few seconds, she answers in a breathy voice. She probably thinks it’s sexy, but I just think she sounds desperate. It reminds me of a time when I actually had to work to get a girl to want to date me.

I wipemy sweaty palms on my pants legs. There she is. She is so pretty and sweet; she always smells like a vanilla cupcake. Why am I so nervous? She's been my friend since Mia and I moved here at the beginning of sixth grade over six months ago.

You can do this, Ashton.The worst she can do is say no.Okay, here we go.