Page 5 of Forbidden Lies

I've always loved looking at this place. I was blown away when we stopped by a few weeks ago for a tour. Massive gray stones mixed with what reminds me of white marble and large windows cover the whole front, making me feel as though I am entering a castle, not a school.

It even has gardens in the back with a giant maze hidden in the middle. I can’t wait to explore. Not to mention the huge stadium off to the side for football games. But what I like most about this place—I feel safe—like I belong here. Walking past the small pond with a beautiful fountain shaped like a majestic lion perched on a willow tree, I feel some of my nerves slip away. It’s peaceful.

I continue to the front steps and freeze. Suddenly, I feel nauseous and dizzy, and I know I'm about to have a flashback.

I rushout the front doors. I can't remember why I’m in such a hurry, but I have an empty sandwich roll, a full thing of chicken salad in my hands, and a fork between my teeth.

“Hey girl, you made it,” Mia says as soon as I plop down on the cold hard stone of the school’s front steps.

“Yeah, sorry. The teacher held me back,” I reply.

“No biggie, but I almost ate the cookies you left in my locker,” she says with a grin. “You know that's dangerous, girl. Your baking is my kryptonite.”

“Ha-ha, you're hilarious, Mi. So tell me what you were doing last night that was so important you missed our Sunday Funday routine?”

She looks at me nervously. “Well, I may have run into that guy I was telling you about. You know the one in college?”

I just blink at her, waiting for her to go on, but I guess she's waiting for me to respond. “Okay… And this is a bad thing? I'm not following. Why didn't you just say that last night? Is it supposed to be a secret?”

Her eyes get huge at that last question. “What? Of course not, Gracie. No secrets between us. You know that,” she sputters a little too quickly for me not to be suspicious.

Whatever. Maybe she's embarrassed about him. She will tell me when she's ready. I mean, like she said, we don't have secrets unless they are dirty details about ...

I come backto my surroundings with tears running down my face. Mia. Gosh, why did she have to die? She was my other half. I was the yin to her yang. We were so close.

I take a few deep breaths, composing myself before I enter the building. Thankfully, no one was here to witness whatever just happened. I wish I could be anonymous, ignored, to have my meltdowns and heal. Unfortunately, that’s not my life. All eyes tend to watch me, waiting to see what will happen next.

Most days, I feel like a freak show.


“So, she’s back,” Isaiah says to me and Carter as we pull into the parking lot. I look where he’s pointing and groan.

“Shit, does Ash know? He’s going to go nuclear,” I grumble, then open the car door and step out. We’re running late today because my dad left his car at the liquor store last night, and I needed to hitch a ride at the last moment.

Father of the year he is. At least tonight, I get to stay at my mom and Derek’s place. “I’m texting him right now,” Carter mutters as he climbs out. He always catches a ride with Isaiah since they are neighbors.

I grab my bag and slam the door, ignoring how bright the damn sun is. I slept like shit last night, and I’m hoping to convince Nurse Maggie to let me nap during PE. We have practice later, so it’s not like I won’t get in a workout today.

“Fuck,” Carter groans as he reads something on his phone.

“Ash knows. He said he’s getting the worst blow job of his life right now and will meet us at the doors.”

I glance back to where we saw Gracie and see she’s still standing on the top step, crying. She looks so small and fragile. Not at all like the girl I once knew. She needs to gain some fucking weight.

“Someone needs to get that girl a sandwich,” I mutter, and Carter grunts. I take a quick picture of her. I don’t know what for, but she’s beautiful even though she’s upset. I guess I’ve always had a little crush on Gracie.

Isaiah heads over to the back door where we’re supposed to meet Ash, and I catch Carter staring at Gracie too. She’s finally moving, but her shoulders are slumped. I can’t imagine how today’s going to go for her.

Ash has been on a mission to make sure that when she did show her face again, it wouldn’t be for long. I’m assuming that’s why he’s having a ‘meeting’ with Bianca right now because we all know her blow job skills suck. No pun intended.

We don’t have to wait long before Ash walks our way with a grimace as Bianca shouts something behind him.

“All good, man?” Carter asks, and Ash gives us a smirk.

“It will be once that bitch is gone permanently,” he says, and I can’t help but feel a twinge of guilt for one of my best friends. I know we’re supposed to hate her; she did something unforgivable, but all I see is the girl who was always there for me.

I don’t know if I can go through with Ash’s plans. It’s all fun and games in theory, but now she’s here, and I know hell is about to reign down on her. I wish I could warn her.