Page 23 of Forbidden Lies

“Fine,” I mumble, and he gives me a thorough look before nodding and pulling away from the curb.

“So, Gracie, how are you?” Dom asks, and I wince at the stupid question.

She scoffs, and I glance back at her. Her arms are crossed over her chest, and it pushes her tits up. Wearing a tank top and jeans, she looks way too delicious.

“Well, besides being tormented and treated like a dumpster, I'm great,” she snarks, making King chuckle beside her.

“Damn, Gracie’s got teeth now. I like it,” he says with a clap, getting excited.

“Why am I even here, Dom? And where are we going?” She looks out the window as we pull up to the forest.

“Like I said in my text, we need to talk, Gracie. Away from town and school,” Dom mumbles as he pulls off the gravel road and onto a stone path leading to the cliffs.

When he parks and shuts the engine off, King, Dom, and I unbuckle and open our doors. Gracie pauses and looks outside her window.

“Is this where you kill me?” she asks nervously, and I can tell she's actually terrified.

I laugh and shake my head, giving her my best smile. “No. We thought we could go for a walk and talk,” I say, then climb out and slam my door shut.

Dom looks nervous, too, and King is staring at the spot where we found Gracie near dead, crumpled on the rocks, with Mia’s lifeless body beside her.

Maybe this wasn't a good idea after all.


He's an idiot. Why the fuck did we agree to this shit? Since the night of the party, everyone we know, including us, has avoided this place. So why are we here now? And with Gracie, of all fucking people.

I turn and am about to say let's leave when Gracie climbs out and smiles. She takes a deep breath of the clean air and looks up at the sun.

The way the golden rays shine against her hair makes me smile too. She looks like some kind of angel or something.

“So, a walk, you said?” Gracie reminds us as we all kinda stare at her.

I'm the first to look away and nod toward the trail that leads up onto a cliff. Not the one she jumped from, but a secluded place where we can hopefully jog a memory of hers.

Dom follows Gracie and Carter, and I trail behind. He looks ill, and I don't blame him. We should never have come here. If Ash finds out what we're doing, he may just kill us.

Honestly, I wouldn't put anything past him these days. He's changed into someone else. Cold, heartless, maybe even soulless.

“It's so pretty out here,” Gracie comments, and I grunt. “Why haven't I been here before? I've been needing some wide open space,” she continues, and Dom stops walking.

“You don't recognize this place?” he asks, and she laughs with a shake of her blonde hair.

“No, amnesia, remember? I honestly don't recall most things except for my best friend. She seems to be the only thing haunting my memories and dreams,” she mumbles, and I make a note to remember her saying that.

Is it because she feels guilty about what she did? I know it's not because of their relationship. Because if Gracie was to recall anyone, it would have been Ashton. He was about to become her husband. They were attached at the hip. Always together.

I honestly thought Mia was jealous of Gracie and Ash, but then she started hanging out with some new people. We barely saw her the last few months she was alive.

I think Ash feels guilty about that, and it's just another excuse for him to hate and blame Gracie.

“We used to come out here all the time. We would camp out with our families, then after we turned seventeen, we would party here,” Carter says with a big grin.

“We had some really good times here… and… some not-so-good times,” Dom says quietly, and we all fall silent, lost in the past. Well, all of us except Gracie, that is.

She continues walking up the trail and talking about the scenery. She's completely clueless, and I'm beginning to think it's not an act.

“That sounds amazing. Did I ever come too?” she asks, looking at Dom, and his cheeks blush.