“Mike asked us to pick up the crates of beer from the cellar on our way to the club,” Case explained.

Her brothers had taken Jett out for his own bachelor party at some private gentleman’s club they had rented out, and that’s where the Kennedy brothers should have been. Lacey also knew Andrea had made it abundantly clear that no strippers were allowed, so they were going to resort to gambling and drinking.

“Well, those crates aren’t going to carry themselves to the club, are they?” She asked saucily, with her hands on her hips.

“Yes, ma'am,” Case said, tipping his imaginary hat and giving her that smile that made other girls want to do his bidding.

“Enjoy your marbles, Lacey,” Tyler said, offering her his notorious smile, but there was something about his grin that made her suspicious. Why did he say the word 'marble' like that?

“And be careful when you drop them. They’re wet, and you could slip and break your neck on them.”

“Well, I won’t,” she answered lamely as they walked away from her toward the cellar.

She was just creating problems for herself where there weren’t any.

All that had happened, as far as they were concerned, was that the balls—marbles—had fallen out of her pocket. They were wet because she had washed them. They were meant for a bachelorette party, and that was all.

There was no way they would ever think those were actually Ben Wa balls that had fallen out of her downstairs attic—yes, she sometimes thought of her pussycat in oxymoron—because somehow she had gotten wet, too wet, and they had slipped out when she took a much-needed breath.

They were cowboys; how could they possibly know what Ben Wa balls were in the first place and where they were used? If she asked them if they knew about Ben Wa balls, their response would be, “Ben who?”

She had nothing to worry about.

Chapter Three

Without breaking a sweat over the incident in the foyer with the three cowboys, better known as her brothers’ best friends, Lacey managed to get through Andrea’s bachelorette party without further mishaps.

She hated that she was honest enough to admit that yes, she had failed and had dropped the ball, quite literally, which had resulted in her eating a box of chocolate in the mold of penises dipped in mayo before it reached her mouth.

And honestly, it was alltheirfault. She had been doing remarkably well for a virgin, with the balls before they showed up and caught her by surprise. She should have called them into the bachelorette party and made them eat the chocolate dicks with mayo.


She never wanted to talk about the incident again. She was done with her thoughts regurgitating the experience.

All in all, the bachelorette party had been a tremendous success, and after Andrea forgave her for being hungover that morning, she couldn’t stop giving Lacey tearful hugs. Of course, Jenna had popped up at the exact time and demanded hugs herself for just showing up.


After selecting a dress to wear to dinner—a black silk wrap-around ensemble—she jumped into the shower in her old bedroom at the Holland residence.

She missed being home. She wasn’t going to lie. And she couldn’t wait for her parents to get home from their extended anniversary holiday in the Maldives either. She missed them even more.

Becca, Simone, and Lindsey had prepared a feast of a dinner for them all after the festivities of the bachelor and bachelorette parties, and the three cocky cowboys had also been invited, which wasblechfor her. Not for what happened the night before—that didn’t count because she genuinely believed they genuinely believed those were her marbles—but because Jenna was going to be there also.

Lacey wrapped her hair into a messy bun, then went downstairs to the kitchen. Her sisters-in-law already had everything under control, which meant it had been excellent timing on Lacey’s part.

“Have you heard?” Simone asked as she retrieved a tray from the oven filled with aromatic seasonal vegetables.

“Heard what?” Lacey asked, chewing a walnut she stole from the handful Lindsey had prepared to go into a salad.

“The Kennedy brothers have to get married,” Becca said, coming in from the pantry with a can of fruit.

“Yup. Apparently, their grandma told them she was going to leave the ranch to charity if they weren't married within a year. She visited the ranch, and she didn’t like that it lacked a woman’s touch. Or that the dishes were stacked to the ceiling, and they had run out of clean clothing. They were eating crap because they couldn’t cook, and she insisted they get married while they were handsome enough that a pretty girl would marry them.”

“I can’t think of any sane woman who would want to marry any one of them and do their laundry for them,” Lacey said, reaching for a warm bun and biting into it without much thought about her action.

“Okay, first of all, once news of this breaks, those three cowboys are going to have women breaking down their doors for a chance to be a Kennedy wife. Trust me.”