“I’m fine,” she said quickly and ran back to the room, where she curled herself onto the bed as waves of pain rolled through her.

She just had to get through the first night. She’d be okay tomorrow.

How was it possible that she was on top of the world just that afternoon but had then burned her fingertips and gotten her period?

She was a whole week early, which means she wasn’t even prepared for its arrival.


Ten minutes later, she heard a knock on the door, and the knob turned, but she had locked the door.

“Lacey, open the door.”

“I’m fine. Please, go away,” she said, trying to sound normal through the waves of cramps. She would rather die than have them know she was falling apart over her period.


Joshua paced the floor of their home office.

“She didn’t sound okay,” Case said, and both he and Tyler agreed.

Their decision to go to her room was unanimous.

“Lacey, open the door,” Joshua ordered her.

“I’m fine. Please, go away,” she said. But she was not fine, and it didn’t sound as if it were her fingers giving her problems.

“Open the door, Lacey. Or we’re going to break it down.”

They heard her muffled exasperation from the other side of the door, and she probably called them cavemen at least five times before she unlocked the door.

She was trying really hard to put up a strong front, but something else was happening to her.

They bounded into the room as if they could gather evidence of what was wrong with her.

“Talk,” Joshua demanded. Case and Tyler had moved in on either side of him. They folded their arms and stared her down.

Her face had turned pale, and the defiant sparkle in her eye was gone.

“Are you feeling sick?” Tyler asked.

“How is it possible that you don’t have a single painkiller in this house?” she demanded, and they could see her forcing sass into her voice that she wasn’t feeling. “How… ow…ow…” She doubled over. They all three went to her immediately. She straightened and held her hand out.

“Please, can you leave? If you don’t have something, I can... ow...”

“You have five seconds to tell us what the fuck is going on.”

“I’m on my… my period— I get really bad cramps—please just let me suffer alone until it's over.”

Fucking hell. Her period.

“Do you have tampons?” Case asked.

“Yes, but that is none of your business,” she said before biting her lip to stop herself from wailing out in pain in front of them.

Joshua ran his hand down his face as she climbed onto the bed and curled into a ball with her knees drawn to her chest. They hated seeing her that way. Fuck. Being helpless was not something they were good at.

They defied the odds and bulldozed through obstacles. No one said no to them. Men feared them because of their military training.