She had crept under their skin, and now they were obsessed with the thought of emptying their cum inside her until she became pregnant with their kid, until her breasts became full of milk and leaked all over them when they made her come repeatedly. Then they wanted to do it again and again. Have their ranch house full of babies. Her belly filled with their cum constantly. Her breasts overflowed with sweet milk constantly.

Purging their minds of such filthy thoughts about their best friends’ little sister was worse than undergoing all kinds of torturous training when they had been in the military. Would it have been easier if it had been just one of them whose mind and cock she corrupted? Probably. But the craving to share her amongst them tripled the intensity and convoluted the brutal desire to touch her. As a trio, they were more dangerous to her.

She was too young for them. Too small for them to fit all three of their cocks inside her. Too innocent for the deviant things they wanted to do to her. Too untouchable because she was their best friends’ kid sister.

Joshua and his brothers should have known that telling their friends, Mike, Phil, Dough, and Jett, about their grandma’s plans regarding their marital statuses would not just stay between them.

Those men were so smitten with their wives, or in Jett's case, his soon-to-be wife, that they couldn't keep anything from them even if a Samurai sword was pointed at their balls.

It hadn’t taken them long, either, to spill everything.

But that was now the case. Their eighty-eight-year-old grandma had decided she wanted great-grandkids, and she was giving them a year to grant her wishes, or she was leaving her share of the ranch to charity instead of to Joshua and his brothers. Her share came in at 25%—enough to cause logistical headaches they didn’t need when they had plans in place to expand the land. Those plans didn’t include taking on a wife for any one of them either. Their plan was never to marry.

Not if they couldn't have the stunning woman sitting across from them who had challenged herself to be a wife to all three of them, sending their cocks into overdrive at the dinner table.

Yeah, that was never going to happen. They had accepted their fate. Had made their vows, even if she were the last fucking woman on earth, they would still not touch her. They had kept their word for over five years now. Surely they were as good as exorcized of her. Thinking about fucking her mouth and then fucking her ass with that same dick she had wet was one thing. Actually doing it was an entirely different thing. They just wouldn’t. There was nothing else to it.

As for the matchmaker—a fucking matchmaker—that their grandma had hired to find them wives, they planned to drive her out of town tomorrow. Paloma Windgate apparently had a 100% success rate, and if she wanted to keep her pristine record, all she had to do was reject their case. No one who met them would have any doubts that they didn’t want to be married. Paloma Windgate would see that as soon as they met in person.

She had already sent a parade of a few possible brides to the ranch, whom they had to send back. They’d also taken numerous calls during office hours from other women after hearing they were looking for wives. They took their work damn seriously and didn’t need that kind of fuckery messing with their day. They also didn’t need a wife. None of them did. The entire situation was a goddamn unnecessary fuckup that required immediate suppression.

Once they got the matchmaker to give up on them, they’d start on their grandma. They were quite certain they could talk the older Kennedy matriarch out of this great-grandbaby silliness eventually. They just needed time to work on her.

But what wouldn’t ever change was that Lacey Holland would always remain the Holland brothers’ kid sister, and they would treat her like that from now until eternity.

Chapter Five

Whenever Lacey said something that started with the words “Seriously, how hard can it be...” and it involved Jenna to some degree, it never bode well for her.

“Seriously, how hard can it be to stick a ball up my vagina?”

Well, apparently that was easy, as long as she didn’t come into contact with three cowboys. She still couldn’t come to grips with how she had gone from being comfortably all right with keeping those Ben Wa balls inside her to, well, having them fall out of her pussy, all hot, wet, and slippery.

She searched online to see if that particular one did have some warming-up feature that had resulted in her whole body becoming wet and tantalized, and the answer was no. They were just good old-fashioned Ben Wa balls without any bells and whistles.

Well, she would never know what happened to her body, so it was no use spending time thinking about it.

Then there was the last time she uttered those damning words and surprise, Jenna was the common denominator again.

“Seriously, how hard can it be to be the wife of a cowboy?”

And now she had to prove something she had no business proving at all.

If she kept this up with Jenna, she was going to find herself six feet under with a stupid look on her face. Because how stupid had she been last night? The stupidest freaking ever.

Nobody asked her to give being their wife a try.


Oh, they’d asked Jenna, of course. Who wouldn’t want to be married to her? The Kennedy brothers were probably drooling over her on the inside because they gave away nothing much on the outside. Honestly, Jenna would make them a splendid wife if Lacey were forced to admit as much.

If her sisters-in-law had their way though, Jenna would be a Kennedy bride by now, with the choice of picking any one of the brothers.

But no one had said, “Oh, Lacey, you too would make a great bride,” because no one in their right state of mind would make such an assumption because she would make the worst bride in the history of brides. She knew this. She accepted this as a fact.

But there she went. Her simpleseriously how hard can it behad turned into a full-fledged self-inflicted challenge. No one had stopped her either because they thought she was just being funny. Well, now her hubris had spoken, and she had to go through with it all. Which would have been an okay thing if she kept her mouth shut at that point.

But no, she was Lacey Holland, and she never backed down from a dare, which again no one had dared her, and triple challenged herself into loudly proclaiming she would play house with all three of them as her pretend husbands.