Lacey rolled her eyes. She stood by what she said.

“But their grandma is so serious, she hired a matchmaker to get the ball rolling,” Simone added. “Can you believe it? A matchmaker. The woman means business. And she told the matchmaker to only look for traditional wives. She wanted someone who could make the ranch a home for her grandsons again like it was when Mrs. Kennedy was alive. Cook them meals, trim their hair, make sure they had clean shirts to wear every day. That kinda thing.”

“If I wasn’t engaged to be married to your brother, Lacey, I don’t know... I would be breaking down their door too,” Andrea said, winking at the other ladies. She was seated at the kitchen table, still suffering the effects of a hangover, but she couldn’t stop smiling.

“Me too,” Becca agreed. “Have you seen their abs? I could wash their shirts on them if they’d let me. All wet and soapy.”

“And me,” Simone chimed in. “I’d run my fingers through their hair… and not just the hair on the head, but their chests. Oh boy.”

“I’d be crazy not to,” Lindsey added in her piece. “I’d feed them my famous key lime pie… with my fingers.

Lacey exclaimed, “Oh my god, you all are supposed to be happily married to my brothers, for crying out loud!”

“Oh, don’t worry, your brothers know we all get a little flustered around them.”

“I mean, they’re so… hot.”

“And so deliciously sexy.”

“And… so damn… dirty.”

“Yes, because they spend all their time in the sun and in the dirt,” Lacey said under her breath.

“Oh, hush.” Lindsey laughed at her. “They’re everything and a bowl of milk. That’s what my mom would say.”

“Who's a bowl of milk and then some?” Jenna asked, waltzing into the kitchen, and leaving behind a stream of perfume in her wake.

Her sisters-in-law tripped over themselves filling her in while they recruited Lacey to set the dinner table.

By the time dinner was ready and everyone was seated, Lacey had already eaten a handful of nuts, a freshly baked bun, three glazed baby carrots, and two chocolate chip cookies. She had no idea what had gotten into her.

While Jenna insisted on sitting next to Lacey because she was her favorite little cousin. Lacey’s oldest brother, Mike, sat next to Becca, his wife. Phil sat next to his wife, Simone. Dough next to his wife, Lindsey, and Jett next to his fiancée, Andrea.

On the opposite side of her sat Joshua, Case, and Tyler, taking up way too much space, Lacey felt, because they were just too freaking big.

Jenna had met them before, a few times already, but she had not seen them in years, and Lacey continued to stuff her face as the four of them got caught up with their lives over a meal of roast beef and sides.

Lacey ignored the cowboys, and thankfully, they did the same to her.

“Oh, my baked potato pie, you would make the absolute perfect wife, Jenna. I can’t think of any other woman who would be better suited to be a Kennedy bride, and I know practically every single female in town. That matchmaker is going to have a tough time finding someone local. You’re more than perfect,” Lindsey squealed.

What? Also, eww and ugh.

It seemed Lindsey had just beat everyone else in saying it because they were all apparently thinking the same thing, and the atmosphere around the dinner table became electrified with excitement and wedding plans for Jenna and one of the Kennedy brothers as her groom.

Lacey tried her best to match the jovial atmosphere surrounding her, as everyone continued enthusiastically that yes, Jenna Holland, her much coveted and revered cousin, would indeed make the perfect wife, but really all Lacey wanted to do was an ugly snort.

Jenna this, Jenna that, and Jenna gag, gag, gag.

“Oh no. I’m sure I’ll be found lacking,” Jenna said, tucking a pure gold-colored lock behind her splendidly symmetrical ear and smiling coyly with her exquisitely proportionate lips.

Her act of being demure was just that because everyone knew Jenna was an ambitious go-getter who pursued her goals with elegance, intellect, and determination.

There wasn’t anything at which she didn’t excel. Horseback riding? She had the accolades to prove her skill. Swimming and tennis? Her trophies lined shelves upon shelves. Beauty pageants? There wasn’t one she entered and didn’t win. And on top of all that, she still had time to become a doctor who was out there saving the world like a superhero.

Yes, she was intellectually brilliant, quick-witted, incredibly self-assured, and stunning, and everyone and their dog adored her, including the three cowboys who had spent so much time conversing with her that they had used up all their manners in one night, all over her.

Lacey had no idea why she was sulking so hard. She was too busy to care about this anyway, but yes, ugh again, she would rather eat another box of dick-shaped chocolate bars dipped in mayonnaise than listen to her four sisters-in-law, Becca, Simone, Lindsey, and Andrea, who was practically married to Jett, gush endlessly about her cousin being theperfectwife for one of the Kennedy brothers.