When the sun started to set and the men came home, she found herself quite excited to tell them about her day. Plus, she had cooked the only dish she knew how to cook. Roasted chicken and potatoes. It was damn good enough to be eaten every day, and she planned to make it a dinner staple for the duration of her stay.

Her body did that weird thing again. Her breath started to rise and fall erratically. Her jeans felt too tight between her legs. But again, she waved it away.

“Well, I did everything a cowboy’s wife would do. I cleaned and cooked. I ironed your clothes and packed them away. I milked a cow, I cleaned the chicken coop, and well, I would have cleaned the pig area—”

“You milked a cow?” Case asked, but instead of being impressed, it looked as if he couldn’t keep his laughter down.

“Yes. What’s so funny?”

“With your bare hands?”


And then there was the deep, heartfelt chuckling all around the table.

“We have machines to milk our cows, Lacey,” Tyler said.

“Well… I did not know that. But I cleaned the chicken coop, and you know what they say? About chickens resembling their owners? Well, yours do without fault. They’re all raving demons,” she said, getting back at them for the cow thing.

“And as for your pigs? That big brown one needs some psychological attention. It refused to let me clean the area and then refused to let me leave.”

“That’s Goliath. What did he do?” Case asked.

“He trapped me inside there with them, nuzzled me, and licked my finger… Eww.”

“He’s in a breeding pen with our prized sow, Helen. He hasn’t been able to perform the last couple of weeks,” Joshua said seriously.

“Well, I’m sure there are some females out there who can attest that indeed, a man does resemble his pig.”

There. That was her top-grade comeback. And with that, she tossed her hair back and sashayed her way out of the kitchen.

Chapter Nine

Day two of being the wife of three cowboys, and Lacey was seriously getting a handle on everything.

Except there was nothing she could do differently when it came to cleaning the chicken coop. That would forever be a real nightmare.

She tried to go to the pig’s breeding den again and again Goliath trapped her inside for a good ten minutes before he obeyed her command to stay and let her leave.

As soon as she was outside the area, she eyed them both—the boar and the sow.

The Kennedy cowboys had told her they needed to mate, but something was up with Goliath, and he just wasn’t performing. She used her sleeve to wipe her forehead and caught a whiff of her perfume.


Without giving it much thought, she raced back to the house and then reentered the breeding pen. This time, she wasn’t messing around with Goliath and told him to stay back.

Oh darn it. The boar looked as if he were going to cry.


She remembered the sow’s name being Helen and slowly approached the sad-looking pig.

“There, there,” she said, reaching out to stroke her. Satisfied that the other female didn’t see her as a threat, Lacey fetched a bucket of water, rinsed the pig down, used one of their towels from the ranch, and dried her up. She then squirted a little of her perfume onto the chiffon belt of one of her gowns and tied it around the pig’s head in a pretty little bow.

“There. Pretty little pig,” she cooed.

The instant she rose from her knees, Goliath was at her again, but she remained firm with him and slipped out of the gate, then watched.