He had spanked her. She just couldn’t get over that.

“That one was because I couldn’t resist, and I’m sure your brothers will appreciate me taking you in hand for your utterly reckless, idiotic behavior.”

“Are you insane?” she yelled, trying to keep that one pathetic sob from escaping.

“You have ten seconds to get off my lap, and when you do, we’re driving you home, and we never want to see you around these parts again. Do you understand?” Joshua growled at her.

She was losing her grip on the situation. She was no longer in charge. They were, and she didn’t know how she felt about it except that strange things were happening inside her.

Also, no, she didn’t understand.

“What’s it going to be, Lacey? You're either going to take our spanking as if you were our wife, or you want us to drive you back home. And you’re so fucking lucky we’re giving you a choice because after the stunt you pulled, blatantly endangering your life like that, the only thing you deserve is a spanking so hard that each of our handprints would remain on your ass for a week.”

Chapter Seven

Oh shit.

They were serious.

They were dead freaking serious. About spanking her. On her backside. For being reckless.

Oh, they had given her a choice, all right. If she wanted to keep pretending to be their wife, she had to take the spanking because that was something they would have done to their real wife. If she told them they could stuff their spanking where the sun didn’t shine, they would drive her home immediately.


She should actually just leave. She could just climb off Joshua’s lap and have them take her back home again. Twice in one day. And then she would have to get theLoserT-shirt instead.

Ten seconds seemed like an eternity when she was sprawled out over Joshua’s lap, half-naked, her butt still stinging from that one extremely hard, well-placed strike with his palm against her flesh.

And then ten seconds were over.

“Ah fuck.”

The last thing she heard was their collective expletives, which sounded tremendously strained and heavy before she truly heard the sound of a stinging lash delivered by a man who knew exactly what he was doing.

Lacey didn’t mean to cry out so loudly. But if she’d wanted to keep her mouth shut, she would have had to bite her tongue off.

Joshua pounded his hand into her flesh repeatedly, leaving behind a pattern of red streaks that would stay on her skin for days, she was sure.

The impact made her whole body shake and left a blistering heat behind that tortured all her senses at the same time.

Every strike she answered with a series of red-hot flames that rose from inside her.

She couldn’t keep her body rigid and breathe at the same time. Her battle to do both failed. Then she was breathing haphazardly and chaotically, her body clenching and unclenching at too short intervals, but Joshua read the thrums of her body and timed his spanking hand to fall at the precise moment to drive her over the edge.

Her breasts felt as if they had doubled in size. Her nipples had developed into stiff, hard peaks that ached so torturously that she shamelessly wanted to touch them.

Between her legs, slippery ribbons of her wetness coated her folds. Her clit pulsed with a need she had no idea she was capable of craving. The familiarity of the sensations thrilled through her and raised a bar of suspicion for her. She knew this feeling. She had felt it for years and years, but she refused to give it a name.

She had never known that something could be so powerfully draining and yet so enthralling at the same time and could come from one source.

Her mind melted. Wetness spread from her pussy to her inner thighs. There was no mistaking what her body was doing while Joshua held her down with one hand on the small of her back while his other rained down on her faster and harder than the storm outside.

All the while, his two brothers stood behind her and watched. She felt the weight of their gaze as if it were their own hands also laying into her and spanking her.

What was happening to her?

Lacey quickly shook her head as she tried to dislodge the electrifying lull she had slipped into at Joshua’s calloused hand ripping fire across her poor, poor ass.