She guessed they would be in the kitchen. It was Sunday, and if she remembered correctly, they would have already seen to the animals and been back home for more coffee.

She could make them eggs. She knew how to fry eggs. They would be having eggs every day for the next five days because the only other breakfast thing she could do was cereal, and they didn’t strike her as cereal people.

“Good morning, husbands,” she said boldly as she entered the kitchen, where the aroma of steaming hot, extremely hot, possibly as strong as tar coffee seeped into her.

“I hope you slept well. Eggs?” she asked, opening the first cupboard nearest to her and looking for a frying pan. She completely ignored their stunned looks. In fact, she didn’t think she'd ever seen them stunned before. It was a funny sight to see.

“The fuck are you doing here?” Joshua growled, finding his voice first.

“Oh, don’t look at me with that tone of voice,” she said, keeping her tone light and playful. “I’m here to show you that even an ordinary girl like me can be a wife to you three dolts, and I don’t even need to be a doctor to do so or build a house with my bare hands from pebbles I found in the river.” If she asked, she was sure Jenna had done that exact thing sometime in her life.

“The fuck you are.” Both Case and Tyler muttered under their breaths.

“You’re leaving,” Tyler said, taking her arm.

“No, I’m not,” she said, jerking herself free. “You didn’t even give me a chance to plead my case.”

“There is no case between us and you.”

“Ugh,” she cried in frustration. “I bet if this was Jenna, you would be all up for giving her a chance. Come on. Please give me five days. You’re literally getting a wife for five days for free. I’ll cook all your meals, and I’ll do your laundry. I’ll... I’ll draw your baths; I’ll rub your backs.”

“The fuck you will,” Joshua said.

“Is that seriously the only vocabulary you three know? ‘The fuck you are. The fuck you will.’” She mimicked.

“When it comes to you, yes,” Case volunteered.

“Do your brothers know you’re here?”

“My brothers are not my keepers. Look, I have a point to prove; just let me prove it, and I’ll be on my way, okay? Five days. I’ll be so good for you; you’ll miss me when I’m gone. You’ll see.”

They moved way too fast for her. Before her next breath, Case had bent, wrapped his arm around her knees, and tossed her over his shoulder, then carried her to the mud room. Joshua and Tyler led the way.

“Wait, what are you doing? Put me down at once, you imbecile. Right now,” she yelled, swaying her body, and trying to get herself dislodged from Case's effortless hold on her.

“Stop that, or you’re going to hurt yourself,” Case said calmly.

“Fucking hell, she packed a damn bag,” Tyler said, incredulity lining his voice. He picked it up and her toiletry bag, then threw them into the back of their pickup truck.

“Put me down, you numbskull,” she shouted, then, pushed to the limit, she banged her fist against Case’s ass and was met with concrete. “Ouch,” she cried as her hand started to throb.

She hadn’t even finished lamenting the pain in her hand before Case spanked her backside with the whole of his palm. She couldn't believe he had done that.

“I warned you about getting yourself hurt,” he murmured as if he hadn’t just spanked her as if she were a child misbehaving.

“Of all the rotten... Oh my god, I was so right about you three. Neanderthals, all of you,” she wailed.

By then, Case had shoved her into the backseat of their pickup, and Joshua slammed the door shut. He also tossed her car keys to Case, who then slipped into the driver’s seat of her car.

She had no idea what she was doing, but she made a dive to escape from the other door, only to have Tyler climb in next to her.

“I got this,” he said, as he almost gently sat her back down again.

Oh no. They were not going to stand in the way of her sticking it to her cousin. This was like medical school all over again, and she would be damned if she failed. Again.

Her frustration turned to fury. She used all her strength—her legs, her nails, and her teeth—on Tyler.

She wasn’t going back home until she justified just how easy it was to be a wife to three cowboys.