Page 35 of Love Me Good

He peppered kisses over her satin skin, loving the hitch in her breath as his tongue slid up the side of her neck. He backed her towards the bed and dropped down, landing softly on top of her as his lips swept over hers, his hand tangling in her pale peach hair.

“I believe I owe you an orgasm.”

“Ben,” she moaned, a sweet sound from her sweet lips. He would never get enough of her. He felt her tense beneath him as someone coughed from outside her room on the landing.

“I’ve never had a man in my room before,” she whispered. He pulled back, staring down at her mouth and her flushed cheeks, her shining eyes.

“Have you had a woman in here before?”

“Nope, no one.”

“Dang, so no magic has happened here? I’m the first?” He couldn’t explain why that made him as thrilled as it did.

“Only magic I’ve created myself,” she replied with a quirk of her brow.

He groaned. “You’re killing me, bad girl. Alone or with assistance?”

Her cheeks flushed deeper at his question, and he watched as she tried to fight back a small smile.

“Kayleigh Good, are you blushing?”

“No,” she said and immediately tried to hide her face in his neck.

He chuckled. “Judging by that reaction you definitely haveassistance. Where do you keep it?”

“I’m not telling you!” she gasped, then clapped a hand over her mouth to keep the noise down.

“Why?” he purred in her ear, and she shifted underneath him restlessly. “I’ll make youso gladyou did,” he added, lacing his tone with as much promise as possible. Her eyes widened ever so slightly; he wouldn’t have noticed if he wasn’t already so close to her. He gently thrust his hips into her, watching her reaction and wishing it was his lip she was nibbling rather than her own. She groaned and covered her face with one hand while pointing to her bedside drawers with the other and triumph flickered through him.

He leaned to the side, his arm reaching across and pulling open the drawer. He rifled around inside until his hand landed on what he was looking for. He hit her with what he hoped was a wicked smile, a devilish smile.

He drew out the purple silicone vibrator and arched a brow at her when he took in the size. Kayleigh worried that bottom lip again.“You’re not gonnacompare yourself to that right? There’s nothing to worry about.”

“Are you kidding me? Me and this guy are a lil team now, in charge of one thing only,” he said, flicking the switch and it started gently buzzing in his palm. He’d never held one before and just stared at the contraption for a moment.

“Oh my God, I can’t believe you’re holding that,” Kayleigh groaned, clapping her hands over her eyes.

He chuckled again. “Believe it, things are about to be a whole lot of fun.” He sat up slightly, pressing a quick kiss to her lips, nipping her chin before flipping up the edge of her navy dress. He took in her floral panties with a little frilly trim and decided they were perfect for Kayleigh. He ran his fingers through the silky edging and she giggled when he tickled her skin.

He lifted his eyes to meet hers and the blue depths consumed him. He ran the vibrator over her thighs, tickling her and she started squirming as he raised it higher, until he pressed gently over her center. She arched her back, rolled her hips into it and his eyes drank in the sight of her. He pressed more firmly and a soft moan slipped from her lips before she clamped a hand over her mouth and looked at him, her expression horrified.

“Oh God, my parents are downstairs!”

“Then I guess you’d better keep it down, bad girl.” He tugged her panties down and pressed a kiss to her lower belly, over her hip before he dipped lower and slid his tongue through her wet center. She tasted as sweet as she looked, with a hint of sin. She rocked her hips up to meet him as he swiped his tongue over her again. She grabbed the nearest pillow and pulled it over her mouth to muffle her response. He licked again before nudging her thighs wider apart with his shoulders and then brought his new acquaintance into the game.

He rubbed the vibrator back and forth over her clit and watched her entire body tense. Her hands reached out to grab onto something and tangled in the quilt covers. He drew the toy down further to her entrance and slowly pushed it inside. A strangled gasp came from underneath the pillow and if it wasn’t so sexy he would have been laughing at how much she was trying to control herself. As it was, he wanted her to completely fall apart right in front of his eyes. Heneededthis.

Ben thrust the vibrator in and out slowly and bent his head to lick and suck at her clit. He hummed and the added vibrations traveled through her body. Her knees squeezed either side of his head and he reveled in the exquisite pain his pleasure was bringing her.

Her breath left her in pants as with each flick of his tongue her hips rose up to meet him until she was tensing, clamping her muscles down around the toy and a strangled cry emanated from above his head. Her body went limp, completely boneless and he gently removed the toy and pulled the pillow away.

Her eyes were bright, but her lids lowered and she offered him a sleepy smile.

“That was…”

“I’d like to take full credit but…” he trailed off and gestured to the vibrator.

She giggled, taking it from him and pressed a delicate kiss to his lips. “I’ll be back and you better be ready when I am,” she murmured.