Page 16 of Love Me Good

Kayleigh pushed away from her computer feeling more confused than ever over her online friend. Every time she mentioned the possibility of them chatting over video or even a voice call, King got cagey and eventually logged off. What was his deal? She thought they were close enough, she thought they were friends and although they had met online, surely they had built a strong enough bond that the next logical step was meeting?

“So what gives, dammit!” she huffed and spun around in her chair. Her phone pinged and she looked across to her bed where she had flung the device when she came home. Her screen flashed and she hauled herself to her feet and picked up the phone. She tapped to open her new message:

Ben:I know you offered to show me around town but there’s something that I wanna do tomorrow, if you’re game?

Excitement bubbled in her veins. Her fingers flew over the screen as she typed her reply but paused before hitting send. Maybe she shouldn’t appear too eager? She locked her screen. Maybe leaving him on read for a little while was better, like playing it cool?Oh God, you’re not a teenager so stop acting like one. Reply confidently!Kayleigh 2.0 piped up.She unlocked her screen and sent her reply.

Kayleigh:Sounds good, where do you wanna meet and are you gonna tell me what it is?

His reply came back equally fast, and she couldn’t stop her cheesy grin.

Ben:I think it’ll work better as a surprise. I’ll drop you a pin, I’m working the bar in the morning for a couple of hours so let’s meet at 2 if that works for you? Wear something you don’t mind getting wet…

She gasped softly when his message came through.Something you don’t mind getting wet…there was no way he meant anything by it and yet her mind filled with all sorts of images. She tried to keep a lid on her excitement, not wanting to read too much into it but the butterflies in her stomach were flapping violently.

It’s not a date, it’s just an outing between co-workers, he didn’t saydate.

She didn’t care.


Chapter 7

Ben paced back and forth at the edge of the road, nibbling his already nibbled thumbnail. He pulled the digit away from his mouth, shaking it as a spot of blood appeared.

“Now you over-nibbled…” he grumbled, before sticking his thumb back in his mouth and sucking away the red droplet. Was this the most nervous he had ever been in his life? Maybe. Including the time he sold out one of the theaters in New York with his tribute act, stepping out on stage to 500 adoring Elvis fans only to completely freeze up the second the music started. A cold sweat broke out over his neck at the memory. Okay maybe he wasnearlyas nervous as then. Not only was this a date with Kayleigh but it was a chance for him to overcome a fear too. He wanted to push her—and himself—out of their comfort zones, and he genuinely wasn’t sure how she would react.

He forced out a breath and continued his pacing until he heard a sound. He looked up, and in the distance he could see her silhouette, cycling closer until the wide smile on her face came into focus. His own smile tugged at the corners of his mouth until they gave in and he let it out full force. She giggled as she came to a stop next to him, her peach hair aflame around her, her cheeks flushed from the exercise and her eyes shining bright. She was…he had no words. She wore a plain white T-shirt that vee’d in the middle, giving him a tiny, tantalizing glimpse of cleavage, and navy shorts, which showcased her bronzed legs.

“Hi,” she said shyly.

“Hi,” he replied, annoyed he couldn’t come up with anything smoother than that. He emulated Elvis, for fuck’s sake, would The King have really just saidHilike a lame teenager?

“Have you been waiting long?” she asked.

He shrugged. “Nah, not really.”Still not the best conversationalist today, are we?He gritted his teeth. “Did it take you long?”

“A bit longer than anticipated but I enjoyed the ride,” she replied, hopping off her bike and standing next to him. The sun bounced off her features, illuminating her skin and he found himself leaning towards her.

“Are you okay?” she asked, regarding him quizzically.

He snapped out of it. “Uh, yeah. Anyway, let’s get a move on while the sun is still high, it’s this way.” He gestured into the woods, and she looked behind him before sliding her eyes to his, nibbling her lip.

“The woods?”

“Yeah. Is that okay?”

“Sure…” she said, and he watched her bravado slide into place.

“I won’t let anything happen to you.” He was trying to hold back the extreme fierceness that tried to slip out.

She smiled at him and then turned her bike, pushing it into the woods and walking along next to it. They began their walk in silence, Ben racking his brain for something to say, the organ always seemed to go quiet around Kayleigh, like she stunned it into silence. He needed to think of something to say so that she didn’t think he was luring her here with nefarious intentions.Who even says nefarious anymore?

“So, how long have you worked at The Bucket?” Ben asked.

“About eighteen months now.”

“You planning on staying there?”