Page 13 of Love Me Good

She shrugged, wiping down the bar. “Figured you needed a hand since it was so busy.”

“As nice as that is, you can go home. I’ll be fine.”

Her brows dipped in adorably. “Are you trying to get rid of me?”

“Never. I just figured you had something better to do than help me out.”

“Never,” she quipped, and he fought the smirk working its way onto his face. “Besides there’s a ton of cute guys here tonight and I’m feeling flirty.”

He choked on the air leaving his lungs. “Isn’t that a little mean? To tease them with something they can’t have?”

One of her brows winged up in a manner that he found far too sexy. “Who says they can’t have?”

“Because…you prefer women…right?”

“Not all the time. I’m bisexual, Ben.” She smiled at him in thataren’t you sillyway.

A rushing sound filled Ben’s ears, his heart pounding in his chest. Something unfurled in his chest.Hope.

“Oh, that’s cool,” was all he could say.

“But you’re right, I should get going. See ya tomorrow,” she said, giving him a pinkie wave and with a toss of her peachy hair she was gone.

Ben buzzed through the remainder of his shift, desperate for it to end so he could get home, log on to his computer and talk to her again. Because now, he had hope.


Chapter 6

GreenEyedKing96:I’ve missed you.

GoodGirlKay:It’s only been 12 hours?!

GreenEyedKing96:Not the point. Tell me a joke?

GoodGirlKay:Sigh. What does a gamer use to make bread?

GreenEyedKing96:His console?

GoodGirlKay:If you’re not going to take this seriously…

GreenEyedKing96:Ha, I’m sorry. I don’t know, what does a gamer use to make his bread?

GoodGirlKay:Nope, you’ve ruined it #sadface

GreenEyedKing96:Noooo, please??

GreenEyedKing96:Come on, Kay pleeeeaaaaassssseeee?



GreenEyedKing96:Baha, that was awful.

GreenEyedKing96:I loved it, thank you.

GoodGirlKay:How’s the job going?