Wemarryinanintimate ceremony right before Christmas. Neither of us see any reason to wait, and I never wanted a big wedding. All I want is Duke and Tabby.

The Tyrants are out of town for the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day. Since both Tabby and I are off from school, we travel to the west coast to watch a few of Duke’s games. It’s my first time on a plane. The team is on a winning streak, and they lead the Eastern Conference. Huck hasn’t been able to return to the ice, thanks to his hamstring tear. Our new goalie, Nate Graham, might bother me personally, but he's played spectacularly.

We spend a day in Disneyland.

When we return home, Tabby starts a Learn to Play hockey program hosted through the Tyrants organization.

“I don’t like this.” Duke stands on the corner, watching his daughter on the ice.

“Watching?” I offer, bundled up beside him. “The program? Hockey?”

He casts me a withering glance before returning his eyes to his daughter. “I wonder if they need any help out there. I could offer… I’d be able to make some of the Saturday morning practices.”

“Duke, no.” We’ve already discussed this. “She’s fine. Trust me.” After we bought Tabby the basketball hoop, it became clear how much she preferred team sports—like her father. Tabby quit dance, and she signed up for girls’ rec basketball. Basketball started after Thanksgiving, and she loves it. She’s made a few friends, and I feel like it’s given her a boost of confidence.

But watching her on the ice? Her face glows. Seems Duke’s daughter loves the game as much as he does.

“They should work on skills. Stick handling.”

“They will.” I glare at him. “But that kid?” I nudge my head toward a boy around Tabby’s age who’s stuck on his back like an overturned turtle. “Not ready for stick handling.”

“But Tabby…”

I turn, wrapping my arms around his neck. He allows the distraction, pulling me against him. I lift onto my tiptoes to kiss him. “Tabby is fine.”

He sighs. “I know. But I worry.”

I squeeze him again, and my heart couldn’t be more full. “Your worrying is one of my favorite things about you.” He casts me a dubious look. “Seriously. I know you just want her to be happy. But you need to let her take this journey alone.” I can’t imagine how intimidating it would be to have the captain of a professional hockey team as a father while trying to learn to hold a hockey stick.

“I know.” He drops another kiss on my lips, and we turn together to watch Tabby again. Her brow furrows as she concentrates on moving the puck forward.

My phone buzzes in my coat pocket. When I retrieve it, it’s the number of the social worker we’ve been working with. “It’s Katie,” I tell Duke. He nods as I answer. “Hi, Katie. How are you?”

“I’m good, June. But I need your help.”

“Of course.”

“I have a one-year-old girl who needs somewhere today. I have her now. Can you help?”

I glance up at Duke. He overheard, or he assumes the reason for Katie’s call. Either way, he’s already nodding. “Yes,” I tell her. “Where can we meet her?”

“Where are you?”

“I’m at the hockey rink, the training center, watching Tabby practice.”

“Can I bring her there?”

“Of course. Whatever you need.” My head spins. I don’t have a crib, but I’m sure Lily has a pack-and-play we can borrow. Now that she’s recovering back at her home, it’ll be a quick stop to pick it up. She’ll be happy to help.

“I’ll see you in fifteen minutes.”

We disconnect, and I glance at the phone in my hand. Then I meet Duke’s gaze. “We have our first foster child.”

“Yes, we do. Did I hear her say she’s a one-year-old?” The sorrow on his face matches my own. It's heartbreaking to consider family separations like this.

I nod, and then I swallow, suddenly overwhelmed by uncertainty. “I’m nervous.”

He kisses my cheek. “That makes sense. You care. I’m nervous, too. But she needs us.”