“Not begrudging,” he says, pushing his glasses up on his nose. He shifts his weight, and though he’s a giant, taller than Duke even and just as muscular, he strikes me as shy.

The doorbell rings again, and Duke motions to the backyard. “Food’s out. Help yourself,” he offers before heading for the entrance again. Hunter follows his cue.

Violet hangs back. “I’ll be right there, Hunt,” she calls. “Did you need any help?” she asks me. Under her breath, she adds. “Are you okay?”

“Of course,” I offer. “I’m so happy to have everyone here. Why?”

Violet’s gaze lingers on me for a moment longer before she nods. “Okay. Good. For a second there, you just looked… Oh, I don’t know. I’m silly.” She waves off whatever she was going to say. “Did you need help, though? Do you want me to carry anything outside?”

“That would be great. I set up a dessert table.”

“As opposed to this?” She opens her arms. “This is a dessert kitchen.” I laugh, and she adds. “These all look delicious, by the way. Where did you get them?”

“Tabby—Duke’s daughter—and I made them.”

“You made these all? Wow.” She glances around. “Mind if I snag one?”

“We’re adults, right?” I pick up one of the white chocolate macadamia nut cookies. I make them with coconut, and they’re my favorites. “We can eat dessert first if we want.” I bite into it and sigh. Chewy and sweet, just right.

Violet laughs, and it’s a charming, musical sound. She picks up a chocolate chip cookie and sinks her teeth in. After she finishes chewing, she points at me with the rest of the cookie. “This is heaven. And you are a girl after my heart. I think we are going to be good friends.” She pops the rest into her mouth, winking at me.

I can’t help but smile. We each pick up two platters of treats, and Violet follows me outside. Duke must have had people file in through the side gate because the place was filling up. Violet and I put the cookies down. She motions to the corner, mischief in her eyes. “Wait. Is that a karaoke machine?”

I laugh. Violet’s right. I think we could be good friends. “It is.”

She grabs my hand. “Do you have anything else to do? For the party, I mean.”

I glance around. People are standing, sipping lemonade and having appetizers. “I don’t think…”

She drags me toward the stage. “Do you sing?”

“I mean, anyone can sing,” I offer.

“I was in pageants as a girl.” She waves this off like it doesn’t matter at all, but I can picture Violet as a beauty queen. “Lots of nonsense, but I love to sing. Come up with me?”


“It’ll be fun.” She’s so convincing, and isn’t that the reason we rented the thing, anyway? Besides, if other people see us using it, maybe they’ll join in. The more fun everyone has, the better for team bonding.

“Sure. Why not? But I’m awful.”

“I’m sure you’ll be great,” she assures me.

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”


“Youneedtosaveher.” Huck motions to the corner of the tent, where Violet and June are singing the words to “Living on a Prayer.” Rather, June is warbling happily off-key, and Violet is trying to sing. Violet has stuck a finger in the ear closest to June, probably to tune her out. She’s increased her volume a couple times and keeps casting glances at June, as if wondering if it’s possible for someone to be so cluelessly out of tune.

I chuckle. “Save June? Or Violet?”

Huck sips a light beer, considering. “Violet looks like she’s having a rougher time.”

Next to us, Hunter has a plate of appetizers—vegetables and dip, some cheese, and lean meats—and he’s scarfing it all down. “Violet’s fine. She probably dragged June up there. She’s really convincing. Like a politician.”

I study them. “Neither of them looks unhappy. I say we let it play out.” It’s true. Though Violet looks confused, maybe even impressed by June’s inability to carry a tune, she doesn’t look uncomfortable. For her part, June is happily belting out the Jon Bon Jovi song like she’s singing alone in the car.

“What about the rest of us?” Hunter pauses, casting me an assessing stare. “I see. You’re a real sadist, aren’t you?”