Margo snorted.

My lips spread in a grin.

She tossed her spoon to the counter and crossed the kitchen, throwing her arms around me as I swept her off her feet. “I’m pregnant,” she announced to Granite. “You’re going to be a big brother!”

He quickly shot back a classic, “You’re not my parents.”

But we both heard the way his voice had softened.

And we’d both seen that, despite his frequent grumpiness, the kid was thriving with us. He was opening up more and more as he started feeling secure in his place with us, as a part of the family.

Margo was sneakier than she’d admit—she knew that by telling him he’d be a big brother, as ridiculous as it probably sounded to him, she was letting him know that her pregnancy wouldn’t affect his place in our home, in any way.

“Yeah, but we’re still pretty cool,” Margo tossed back.

He muttered an agreement, and we both laughed together.

“This is going to be so damn much fun,” she said against my lips.

“Another adventure,” I agreed, before I captured her mouth in mine.

“It’s annoying when you make out like I’m not here!” Granite shot back.

We broke apart, grinning against each other’s mouths.

“I’d apologize, but we’re not sorry,” Margo told him.

He snorted, and our grins widened in victory.

Life was really fucking great.

I’d been waiting so damn long for my mate—and she was worth every fucking minute.



“You can’t kickme out of the public baths for being an earth fae,” I protested, as the guard drove my barely-clothed form away from said public baths with a wickedly-sharp knife to my back.

The guards were always careful not to touch me—if they did, Flood would probably kill them.

But my king was way too busy dealing with his pissy kingdom to pay attention to a knife, however sharp it was, and even if it was against my back.

Of course, if I told him about the weapon being used against me?

There would be bloodshed.

But I was determined to win over the damned water fae eventually, so I couldn’t tell Flood.

Iwouldstill win them over.

Just not through the public baths, apparently.

I’d have to scratch that possibility off my kingdom-friendshipping plan.

And come up with a better name for said plan…
