In most of them, there was a mirror in front of us—and I was facing the mirror while he gripped my tits, and slowly lowered me onto his cock. The colors weren’t there, but the shapes were, and that was hot enough for me.

A groan escaped me, but I opened my mouth, and he filled it with pasta.

It wasn’t exactly what I wanted on my tongue in that moment, but I was too hungry to fight him on it.

So, I chewed and swallowed.

The sensations between us as we both ate were loud and overwhelming enough that we were quiet and focused on our food. When we were done, Odin set the bowls down, and pulled me into his arms.

It took a minute for my firing senses to calm enough that I could breathe through the contact.

“We’ll go as slow as we need to,”Odin murmured into my mind, as he made his way to his feet. He didn’t even consider letting me walk—and I didn’t ask him to. His power was still a lot for me to take in, and I couldn’t navigate without my sight anywhere near as well as he could.“Tell me if you need me to stop.”

The words sounded kind of sexual, but I knew he wasn’t talking about anything other than walking to the bathroom.

“I’m tougher than I seem,” I tossed back, my voice light and playful.

“I know you are.” He nipped at my ear, and I groaned as his feelings of affection flooded us both.

“You can’t like me that much,” I grumbled back, though I knew I was wrong. There was no possible way for him to fake those feelings I was having. He didn’t just like me as his mate; he liked me as a person. And that was more important than just about anything, I thought.

He chuckled in response, and then started to move.


The stone waswarm beneath my feet when he set me down in front of him, in the small bathroom. There was no shower; Odin didn’t need it, with his own personal river running through the edge of the space.

“Ready?” he asked me.

There was so much anticipation in his voice, and in between our minds, that I felt just as excited as he was.

“What if you don’t like how I look?” I asked him, suddenly nervous.

“What could I possibly dislike about your appearance?” His hand stroked my hip.

My mind ricocheted through the options.

The curve of my hips and ass.

The fullness of my face.

The bushiness of my hair.

The size of my nose.

He chuckled in response to my thoughts. “Velvet, I know and love every inch of your shape already. It’s your life and your colors that I’m missing.” He dragged his hands over the curve of my waist, and then squeezed my breasts before sliding his hands up my arms, over my shoulders, and onto my cheeks. “You have nothing to fear.”

I sighed. “Alright. But if you so much as consider thinking about any of my many imperfections, I’m walking away right now.”

Odin laughed. “That’s not even a possibility.” His hands slid down my face before landing solidly on my hips again. “Open your eyes for me, love.”

I slowly did as he said, making my gaze linger on myself even though my eyes wanted to trace the man behind me.

His body went rigid, and his emotions crashed through me in waves.

