We followed her in, and I said, “Aren’t you going to ask what we’re here for?”

“No. There’s only one thing I can offer that the elemental fae actually want. They provide me shelter for it.” She tossed a hand toward the ceiling. “Most fae and other species in Bluhm are mentally connected as soon as they’ve solidified their mate bonds. It’s strange that the elemental ones aren’t.”

“Really?” My curiosity was growing by the second. I loved hearing about the elemental fae’s lives, but this woman seemed to have a lot more information than even they did.

“Yes.” She didn’t clarify further. I itched to ask more questions, but didn’t want to piss her off or annoy her. Not when we were asking her to literally take control of our minds or magic or whatever she needed to, to connect us.

There were two chairs placed beside each other in what seemed to be her kitchen, and she gestured toward them. “Sit down. This won’t take long on my end. It’ll take some time for you to find yourselves again afterward, though, so prepare to transport somewhere safe as soon as I give the word.”

I blinked.

That… wasn’t what I expected.

We’d roll with it, though.

It wasn’t like we knew where we would be headed after this, anyway. The future was something we hadn’t figured out, and we’d been forcing ourselves to be okay with that. One step at a time—that was what mattered.

So we sat down.

“Are you sure about this?” she asked us both, as she set one hand on each of our heads.

“Yep.” I nodded.

“Yes.” Odin’s hand landed on my thigh, which was bare thanks to the slits on my dress that had parted around my legs when I sat.

The lunar fae added, “The connection will be intense, but worth it, if the rest of Bluhm is to be believed. Prepare for a bit of pain.”

Odin’s body tensed; I knew he would protest to me suffering in any way if given the chance.

But the lunar fae woman didn’t give him that chance. Her magic struck hard, and my body went still as a wave of foreign emotions and thoughts and desires crashed into me.

“Travel, now,” the woman said firmly.

Odin tugged me into his arms as he transported us into his cave.

Though I was sucking in air, being overwhelmed by twice as many feelings and thoughts as usual, the transportation wasn’t overwhelming. It didn’t feel uncomfortable, like it usually did.

It felt like the Earth was a part of me.

The emotions barreling through both of us were too strong for me to distinguish his from mine, or mine from his.

Time passed.

The overwhelmingness of it all didn’t fade, though.

I wasn’t sure how long it had been when Odin spoke.

“Close your eyes?” He gritted the question out, but somehow managed to sound kind instead of irritated. More emotions overwhelmed me, and I got the vague feeling that we were on the floor together, though I couldn’t tell whether he was on top of me or I was on top of him. The sensations were just too much.

I shut my eyes, and some of the tension relaxed a little. His, probably.

A little more time passed, and the emotions running through us both grew calmer.

I still couldn’t completely tell which emotions were his and which were mine, but I was figuring out how to sort out our thoughts. His felt different than mine. Not in a bad way, but enough that I could tell who was thinking what.

“Wow,” I finally rasped, my eyes still closed. “So, this is intense.”

He chuckled, and his humor curled through both of us. Though I knew it was his, it stillfelta lot like mine.