“It’s really slight, at first. From what Storm said, it feels like there’s a small drain at the bottom of your magic. I think the drain would grow larger and stronger as the child grows.”

That was incredibly unhelpful, but I supposed that Odin hadn’t ever experienced pregnancy, so he had no other way to describe it.

“Do you feel a pull?” he asked me.

“I’m not sure,” I admitted. “I don’t know my magic well enough to say. But I don’t think I’ve eaten any of the fertility-suppressing plants in a while.”

Odin grimaced. “I should’ve been paying more attention. I’m sorry.”

“We’ve both been distracted. And… I might want a kid.”

Saying it aloud made me feel insane, but honestly? It was the truth. I’d never even imagined that I might have a baby some day, or be a mom. But now that there was a possibility, now that I’d found a man I knew would be an incredible dad to our kid, even if we eventually decided we didn’t want to be together as mates anymore, I wanted it.

And I wanted it badly.

To have a family?

To have people to love, who loved me too?

I had wanted that my whole life.

“Really?” I could hear the surprise in Odin’s voice. And the excitement, too.


He squeezed me tightly. “That would be incredible, Velvet.”

My eyes stung. “I know.”

He pulled me up his body, capturing my lips in his and slowly staking his claim on my mouth. I kissed him back like it was everything—like he was everything—because he was.

Because I loved him, even if I was still too chicken to say it aloud.

Because he had become my new world as much as Bluhm had, and I wouldn’t change that for anything.

Because he had loved me even when I was unlovable, and because I knew without a shadow of doubt that he would never walk away from me, even if I asked, or ordered, or swore at him.

He was mine, and I was his.

And the lunar fae’s magic would only make that even more true.


We transportedto Odin’s cave to retrieve a bag of the thick metal coins that functioned as one form of money in Bluhm, and then to an earth fae city on the coast, where the lunar fae woman lived. Traveling Odin’s way still made me feel queasy and out of breath, but I was getting used to it.

Odin had landed us on a cliff that left us looking out over a gorgeous blue ocean that stretched as far as I could see. A long, scaly body rippled through the waves way off the shore, big enough that I could see its form despite the distance between us. It had to be absolutely massive.

“Damn,” I murmured, staring out at the water. Waves were crashing against the rocks rhythmically, and though I’d never been much of a beach person, something about it soothed my soul. “It’s beautiful.”

I looked over at Odin, whose lips were curved upward just slightly. I assumed he was excited by the prospect of being able to look out at the ocean through my eyes soon. Or maybe it just made him happy that I found his world beautiful.

“Do you still fear that you’ll lose me?” Odin asked me, his voice calm.

“I think I’ll always fear that.” I looked back out at the ocean. “I guess I’ve just reached the point where I’d rather be afraid than alone. All the sex has probably helped with that.”

He chuckled, his thumb moving lightly in a trail over my skin where our palms were connected. “You know I’m always happy to help on that front.”

His playful tone made me smile. “I know.”