He pulled my forehead to his, nestling his nose against mine as both of our breathing evened out.

“You’re not burning anymore,” he said, still holding me close. I wasn’t on the ground—he was still holding me with my legs wrapped around his waist, and didn’t seem fazed at all by the weight of me.

“No,” I whispered back. “Tariq said the fire would burn out, eventually. If I can let it burn when I feel strong emotions now, I‘ll have found equilibrium with it. Theoretically.”

Odin gave me a low chuckle. “Theoretically, huh?”

“Mmhm.” I sighed, slowly. “I feel better. A lot better.”

“Good.” His lips brushed mine, and the arms around my back tightened. “You’re beautiful, you know.”

“So you’ve said.”

He chuckled, his chest rumbling against mine with the sound. “Beautiful, and vibrant, and real.” His lips brushed mine again. “I’m really damn lucky.”

“I wouldn’t go that far,” I mumbled, squeezing my eyes shut. “I’m kind of a pain. Probably always will be.”

He laughed, loudly and freely. “Isn’t everyone? We all have quirks, different perspectives, and unique personalities. I’m sure I’ll be a pain in your ass as much as you are in mine. But that makes life worth living, don’t you think? Where’s the fun in perfection?”

“I guess if I was boring, you’d feel like you were still sealing cracks day in and day out.”

“Exactly.” His lips brushed mine again. “I love you, Velvet. I know it’s too early for you to feel the same, but it’s true. I love you.”

My heart swelled, and my eyes watered a bit.

I hated how emotional he could make me… but I loved it too.

And maybe he was right, that it was too early for me to feel the same. But the emotions blooming in my chest?

They felt a hell of a lot like the way I expected love to feel.

We pulledclothes out of the bag resting against a tree, and then made our way back to the castle. As expected, Odin made me eat some more fruit as we walked, and chided me for training without feeding myself enough.

I rolled my eyes at him when he did, of course.

But when he growled at me and told me I needed to take care of myself or else he would take that job over, I listened.

We met up with everyone else for dinner in the cafeteria. There were a few dozen fae I didn’t know, along with the kings and their mates, and Dove of course.

The little girl was on the far side of the room, with her face buried against Storm’s shoulder again, and there was a worried crease between his eyes. His arm that wasn’t holding his niece was wrapped around Harper’s waist, holding her close, and they looked like they were talking quietly.

I’d ask Odin how his day had gone after we were alone, I decided, as he tugged me toward what smelled like hot food at the far-middle of the large space.

On the tables, instead of plain fruit and veggies, I noticed bowls of steaming fae pasta. They were covered in what looked like sauce, too.

My stomach growled.

We stopped to grab bowls of our own pasta before heading toward our friends. Ivy and Tariq were sitting with Ayla, Flood, and a pair of earth fae women that I didn’t recognize, chatting away. But there was room at Harper and Sirus’s table, so we plopped down there.

Harper gave me a quick smile, and Sirus nodded toward us.

“Is she okay?” I asked quietly.

“Just a little overwhelmed,” Harper admitted. Sirus whispered something to Dove, and she nodded.

“We’re going to have to take our dinner into the sky,” Storm said, and all three of the bowls on the table lifted into the air as he and Harper both stood. He gave me a small smile, but didn’t apologize.

It didn’t offend me. He didn’t want Dove to think she needed to apologize for the way she was feeling, and I didn’t want her to think that either. She didn’t need to feel bad for functioning a bit differently than some of us.