“Come on, Vriva. Leave Margo to her magic,” Tariq called from a few feet away. His back was still facing me, since I was still so damn naked.

Ivy sighed, but agreed. “Good luck.”

“Thank you.”

She slipped away, and I watched her long hair and dress sway as she and Tariq headed back toward the castle, hand-in-hand.

I let out a long, slow breath, and closed my eyes.

I was going to figure this out.

Returning to the magic in the center of my chest, I focused yet again and started peeling my fear away, trying to remove the emotions to expose the magic.

I was getting much faster at freeing it, but wasn’t improving at all when it came to letting the fire burn wildly.

Once again, the flames engulfed me—and then snapped back into place again a moment later.

A groan escaped me.

“Can I help?” Odin’s amused voice met my ears, and I heaved a sigh. I hadn’t heard him approach or felt him or anything, but it didn’t surprise me that he was there.

“I don’t think you can help. I just can’t stop myself from shutting down the power. Maybe I’m afraid of it.”

He strode toward me, and swept me into his arms. My forehead tucked up against his neck as he tugged me close, my feet leaving the ground when he squeezed me tightly and said, “I missed you.”

“I missed you too.” My throat was swollen, and the words were difficult to get out. I wasn’t fantastic at admitting my feelings yet.

“So what are you doing?” His hand dragged slowly over my back, the physical contact relaxing me. “And why did everyone else leave? I’ve been keeping tabs on you; you weren’t alone until a few minutes ago.”

“I just want to figure this out,” I admitted. “Flame told me that I’m never going to be able to control my magic. That firecan’tbe controlled. I have to learn how to embrace my flames and make them burn freely. But the fear comes back as soon as the flames are free, and some part of me shuts down.”

“Can you show me?” His arms were wrapped around my back.

“You’re sure I won’t hurt you?”

He snorted. “Yes.”

I closed my eyes and relaxed against him, reaching for my magic yet again.

My defenses weren’t as strong this time—and I peeled away my fear more quickly.

Fire blazed off my arms, climbing over my torso and growing as it continued to stretch and burn.

As I reached the peak of my power, exposing it completely, I felt Odin’s lips on my throat.

And then his tongue.

I shuddered, and my fire burned bigger, and hotter, and brighter.

He sucked lightly on the sensitive skin, and I couldn’t help it. I grabbed his face, and kissed him.

Our lips crashed into each other, and our tongues met a heartbeat later. My fire roared around us, wild and free, as he pulled me closer, and closer, and closer.

He was naked, I realized—I’d burned his pants off—but neither of us cared.

We kissed while I blazed. As our mouths melded, we touched each other freely, feeling each other’s skin and embracing the wildness of the connection we shared.

When my flames began to die down, and dizziness set in, I finally pulled away from Odin. My chest heaved and my heart pounded rapidly, but my body felt like a puddle of relaxed goo.