I rolled my eyes at him. “I’m going to do whatever the hell I want, Odin. If I do leave, I’ll come back to you.” I pulled his face back to mine and captured his lips.

His pelvis pinned mine to the wall as we made out, our tongues in each other’s mouths. The kiss was growing hotter, but we both needed to go, so I didn’t let myself get lost in it, even though I wanted to, badly.

I pulled away after a few minutes, and Odin groaned against my mouth. “Damn you, woman.” He was hard against me, so I wasn’t confused about why he was damning me.

“I’ve got to make sure you don’t ignore me again somehow,” I tossed back.

He squeezed one of my breasts. “Next time I’m lost to my magic, just sit on me. There’s no way that won’t snap me out of it.”

I snorted. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

His hands cupped my face. “You know you’re gorgeous, right? The most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen?”

My face heated, and I pushed at his chest. “Get out of here. It’s been way more than five minutes.”

He laughed, stepping back and holding onto me while I untangled my legs from around his waist. My feet met the stone beneath us, and he gave one of my breasts one last squeeze before he strode out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

I collapsed against the stone door, biting my lip to fight the smile trying to spread across my face.


I got dressed,found the bag of clothes Odin had brought with us, and then went looking for the others. When I finally located Flame and Ivy, they were in a huge room on the first floor that appeared to be a massive kitchen/cafeteria area with at least two dozen tables. There was no one cooking anything yet, but there were huge bowls of fresh fruit and vegetables staggered on tables around the room, and a few dozen fae spread around the space, some in groups and others alone.

Ivy and Flame were sitting beside each other, her legs stretched across his lap as she leaned back in her chair and ate her fruit. The hand he wasn’t using to eat, he had on her bare leg, slowly stroking her skin.

I felt kind of bad for interrupting, but there was no way around it, so I crossed the room and dropped into the seat next to Ivy.

“Hey.” She flashed me a grin.

“Hey.” My lips curved upward a little. I still wasn’t great at the greeting thing when I was feeling stressed, but I was trying. Hopefully that counted for something.

“How’d you sleep?” she asked.

I shrugged. “Pretty good. It’ll be nice when all this is over and we have mattresses again.”

Ivy laughed. “I was literally just telling Tariq that.” She tossed a hand toward him, and his lips curved upward slightly as he watched her shamelessly.

“Are you guys going to live in the castle in your land?” I asked Tariq.

He dipped his head in a nod. “With my Vriva’s water magic, our land will become much healthier. My fae will be excited to see me, for once, because she’ll be with me.” He squeezed her leg, and she winked at him. “Quake was removed from the throne?”

Part of me itched to tell them that his real name was Odin.

But another more possessive part of me wanted to keep it to myself. To keep it a secret.

“Yeah. He didn’t seem surprised, but he’s frustrated that they’re risking their lives to live in a city that’s breaking itself down.”

“The earth fae are among the most prideful,” Tariq admitted. “They despise needing a leader or protector at all, and have always refused to follow his counsel. He’s better off without that damn throne.”

Honestly, I was kind of thinking the same thing.

But his people meant a lot to him, so all of that stuff was his call.

“Where are you two going to live?” Tariq asked me, looking contemplative.

I made a face. “We haven’t gotten around to figuring that out yet.”

Ivy reached over and patted my hand. “You’ve got plenty of time to decide.”