He chuckled. “Yes. I can think of far worse things than being in your head.” His lips turned downward before I could reply, and he scooped me up off the ground, hauling me out of the room quickly.

My legs wrapped around his hips for stability. “What’s happening?”

“I think Storm sent one of his earth fae to look for me.”


There was the possessiveness.

I had never really seen it from him, but I knew it was there. Something told me there would come a time when I would see it rear it’s sexy, sexy head, but that wasn’t this moment.

The door shut behind us, and Odin pinned me to it, still holding me with my pelvis to his and my legs wrapped around his hips.

Our foreheads met, and his eyes closed as he pressed me into the door. “I’m not ready.”

“For what?”

“Whatever’s going to happen next.” His lips twisted in a grimace. “I’m not good with unknowns. I can handle the change, so long as I know what it is and how it’s changing.”

“You’re adaptable, but only if you know how you’re going to need to adapt?” I checked.

“Exactly.” His breath brushed my lips.

Someone knocked on the door just a few inches to the right of my head. Odin grimaced, and didn’t move. The person knocked again, and then called out, “Quake? The king is looking for you. He said something about a plan for the day.”

“Which king?” Odin didn’t bother yelling, or moving us.

I heard shuffling feet as the man outside took a few steps back. He cleared his throat, and then said, “Storm.”

Odin sighed, slowly and deeply.

The other fae added, “He said Dissiri needs you to teach her a few things. He thought you’d know what he meant.”

Odin grimaced.

Storm was right, though. We both knew what he’d meant, and that Odin needed to go.

“Alright. I’ll be there in five,” my king finally said, voice quiet and serious.

I was missing his jokes, even though I understood why he’d stopped making them for the time being.

“Sorry to cut the morning short,” Odin said, brushing his lips over mine once and then again.

“It’s fine. You’ve got more important things to do.”

His hand cradled my cheek, and I leaned into the touch. “You’re my most important thing, Velvet.”

He kissed me again, and I didn’t bother trying to fight it as his lips met mine. The kiss was gentle, and soft, and sweet. And yet, it still made everything else disappear.

When he released me, his forehead met mine again as we both caught our breath.

“I’m going to ask Flame to teach me how to control my magic,” I whispered, my eyes closed and my body stupidly relaxed.

“You should.” His lips brushed mine again. “Alright, I need to get moving.” His reluctance made my lips curve upward. “Don’t forget your clothes. Bring the bag. I don’t want you naked around him any more than you have to be.”

“Ivy and I feel exactly the same about that, I’m sure.”

“Don’t leave the castle without letting me know.”