I let out a slow breath of air.

Honestly, I was too tired for this conversation.

“Just come and lay by me,” I finally said. “We can talk through it in the morning. Sleep will help.”

“Thank you.” His massive body spread out beside mine, and I let out a happy groan when he pulled me to his chest and my bare skin met his. I didn’t bother sleeping in clothes, since there was a decent chance I’d accidentally light myself on fire while I was sleeping.

My eyes closed, my forehead plastered to his neck as those thick, warm arms engulfed me.

“Thank you,” he repeated, his voice just a raspy breath. “I needed this.”

“I’m still mad at you,” I breathed back, almost asleep already.

“You know that’s just foreplay for me.” His lips brushed my forehead, and then the top of my hair, and sleep took me over completely.

Odin was still sleeping soundlywhen I woke up. His arms around me were loose, and we were basically glued together via sweat.

I needed to pee badly, but was enjoying the snuggling too much to make myself slide away from him. I’d never really snuggled before. Or maybe… never at all. Odin and I had sort of done a little of it in the cave after our mating ceremony, but we’d been interrupted pretty soon afterward. So I’d never had this kind of snuggling; the kind where his body was on mine, and we were both so completely relaxed.

The kind where it honestly, for the first time ever, felt like he was mine.

And like I was his.

But laying there, in his arms like that?

It was surreal.

Peaceful, comfortable, and happy.

Really, really happy.

So like I said, surreal.

He continued breathing steadily, not budging as we held each other. I nuzzled my nose against his throat, just inhaling his scent.

He smelled so damn good.

If I hadn’t needed to pee so badly, I would’ve stayed for another hour, or two. But my bladder started screaming, and I knew I needed to go.

So, with a silent groan, I eased myself up out of his arms.

They tightened around me, though, and then tugged me back to his chest.

The breath whooshed out of me when I crashed against him, and I laughed quietly.

“You trying to escape?” he asked me, lips stretching in a lazy grin.

“Just to the bathroom.” I peeled my face off of his again, sitting up with my palms on his chest. “I really need to pee.”

“Fine.” He gave me a dramatic sigh, and then scooped me up off the ground with him as he stood.

A screech escaped me when he tossed me over his shoulder, and my face met a chiseled shoulder blade. “Damn you,” I grumbled.

“You love it.” His hands settled on my ass, and he strode out of the room. I might’ve panicked a little about my nudity if I hadn’t been so certain that he was more worried about keeping me covered than I was.

We stepped into the bathroom without encountering anyone else, and he shut the door behind me.

“You can’t be in here while I pee,” I complained to him.