“Perhaps. But you’ve already returned from insanity once, haven’t you?”

The bastard had a point.

“Margo hasn’t,” I said, instead of admitting that he was right.

“Your sanity would hinge on each other, if you were connected that way. If you could drag yourself back, you could drag her too. And frankly, I think the females have a better chance of remaining sane than the rest of us. The women’s minds have already survived being dropped in a new world, with an entirely new culture. Would a mental connection with her mate really be so different?”

He had a point with that, too.

“I’ll think about it,” I finally said.

“You should.”He stood.“I’m turning in for the night. If I were you, I wouldn’t let my mate wake up alone and angry.”

I felt his footsteps as he walked away, and as he slipped into the room he was sharing with Ayla. Their blankets and pillows were across the room from each other, but she rolled toward him slightly in her sleep when he sat down.

I let my mind find Margo, asleep on the floor without so much as a damn pillow.

And though I wanted to try to stay silent while I worked through my shit, I knew Flood was right.

I shouldn’t have pushed Margo away.

She was probably furious with me, and I wouldn’t blame her for it.

So I climbed to my feet, and padded to the room she’d claimed as hers.



Warm fingers brushed my cheek,waking me up gently. I slowly opened my eyes, and found Odin sitting beside me.

“Is it morning?” I mumbled, my mouth dry. It felt like I’d just barely fallen asleep, but that happened sometimes.

“No, love. I wanted to lay with you, but you’ve never given me permission to do so.” His fingers brushed my cheek again, softly and reverently.

“Think I’m mad at you,” I grumbled, closing my eyes again and trying not to let myself love the way his fingers felt on my skin.

It failed, though.

And he continued stroking my face. “I know. I’m sorry.”

I scowled at him. “You ignored me.”

“I didn’tignoreyou. I couldn’t do that, even if I tried. Which I didn’t.”

“When I walked into that room, you didn’t look at me. I even talked to Flood, and you acted like I wasn’t there.”

“Velvet,” he said gently.

My scowl deepened.

“I buried myself in the city’s magic. Building so many houses and stores at once requires complete focus. I couldn’t feel the stone around me, or hear anything.”


Well, that only lessened my anger a fraction. Not that I was really even angry anymore; the anger had morphed into a defensive sadness.

“That’s not an excuse,” he said quietly. “I know it’s not. I shouldn’t have turned away from you in the first place. I was frustrated and conflicted, and uncertain about what to do. Not because of you; because of my people. I feel responsible for them, and yet they’ve pushed me away. Given me no way to protect them.”