Why was he telling me?

How long had I been lost in the earth?

“Calm down. You know I have no desire for your mate. My female always smiles for me, and she’s mine. I just needed you to regain consciousness.”

I forced myself to stop where I was, though my fists were clenched and my heart was pumping. “How long was I under?”

“Half a day. The women went off for dinner together, and your female came back happy. When the others left, she grew frustrated before leaving too.”


I let out a slow breath of air.

“I was trying to regain control of my emotions before talking to her. I don’t want to get angry with her when she doesn’t deserve it.”

“I don’t think your female fears anyone’s anger.”

He was probably right about that.

But I feared pushing her away, so I was the one who was afraid in the situation.

“You’re right. I should’ve talked to her.” I let out another slow, long breath. “My people basically disowned me. My throne belongs to a child, now. And their city lies within cliffs that could crumble at any given moment. I don’t know what to do. Doing nothing could lead to many innocent deaths, but the only other option is to try to take over by force.”

“If your people voted for it, their deaths will be on no one’s head but their own.”

“But they’re still my people.”

“Perhaps you should tell your female that, then.”

“You’re one to talk,” I drawled. “What kind of male tells his mate that he wants to be nothing but friends?”

He chuckled.“The smart kind who realizes he can’t woo a female he can barely communicate with. When we can speak more fluently to each other, I’ll make my intentions clear.”

“I suppose that reasoning is good enough,” I admitted. Crossing the room, I sat down against the wall again. We were both silent for a few minutes, lost to our thoughts. Or at least I was; I wasn’t sure what Flood was doing. Not moving, at the very least.

Eventually, I spoke again. “Does it bother you that you’ll never hear her voice?”

He was silent for a moment, and the water swirled slowly over the ground for a few minutes until it formed words.“The water carries her voice to me. It has from the beginning. I don’t hear her voice as it might sound aloud to others, but that doesn’t bother me.”


“Lucky bastard.” I heaved a sigh. “I’d give anything to see her—even just once. To look in her eyes. To see her lips curve in a smile, and her silky hair skate across her back. To watch her shoulders shake as she laughs. To see her respond to my touch.”

“I can’t imagine,”Flood admitted.“I can still communicate with my female, despite my disability. We can still have the same conversations—or we’ll be able to in time. It makes me appreciate her more. It’s different for you; there is no way around your vision. No way to see her, without your sight.”

My chest hurt as he spoke.

I fucking hated it.

The magic that had stolen that part of our connection from me.

The fact that sealing our bond hadn’t returned my sight.

The way I couldn’t see my female, the woman I loved, even if we had yet to discuss that emotion.

“You could ask the lunar fae to connect you,”Flood said.

“At the risk of our sanity,” I said with a scoff.