Just that.

I snorted, and when I looked back at Flood, found him grinning.

I flipped him the bird, though I was grinning too, and earned a low laugh as I strode out of the massive room. There had to be an open bedroom somewhere.

I found an empty one, with a door, and silently thanked whatever god they worshipped in Bluhm as I locked it behind me.

Things were weird between me and Odin. I wasn’t sure what would happen—or if we were even still a thing.

But I liked the other ex-humans. We were friends.

And ultimately, I liked the kings too.

Things weren’t perfect, but life was still better than it had been on Earth. And to me, that counted for a hell of a lot.

Maybe in the morning, shit would look better. And feel better.



After I taughtAyla a few things, I threw myself into rebuilding Storm’s capitol city. The complete focus required me to deaden myself to the world around me, and to the emotions that I couldn’t control because they bounced around in my chest.

I assumed that in time, the emotions would fade, and I’d begin feeling like my normal self again. Then, I’d be ready to speak to Margo the way she deserved, without the anger and resentment I was currently feeling.

That anger wasn’t directed at her, anyway.

To make a stable structure, I needed to remain completely focused, growing and shaping the stone at the same time. Unlike water, the earth preferred not to be manhandled too much. It worked best under simple, calm instructions, and would get finicky when pushed too hard.

Which was why the city in the cliffs was absolutely doomed.

I supposed it wasn’t my job to persuade the people to see how much risk they were putting on themselves. Some of them could survive the city’s crumbling; they could create a protective sphere around them, or cut through the land if they had time.

But if the cliffs collapsed, many wouldn’t have time.

And most wouldn’t be strong enough to influence a crumbling cliff that way. Not after it had already been pushed to its breaking point the way they were pushing it.

Their insistence to strengthen and use what already existed was going to be the death of many, and that made me fucking furious. But they’d refused to let me stay, so there was nothing I could do.

At least, nothing that would be safe for my female, who they would likely hate even more than they hated me. And her comfort and peace of mind were vastly more important than my own.

I hadno idea how much time had passed when I suddenly felt water beneath my palms.

My head snapped upward, my magic halting as I withdrew from the buildings I’d been constructing.

“What the hell?” I growled at Flood, though he couldn’t hear me. He’d undoubtedly read my lips.

Water skated over the stone off to my side, and he wrote out the words on it, the way he always did to communicate with me. He’d write in water, and read my lips to hear my response.

Our method of communication was slow, but it worked.

“Margo smiled at me,”he said.

It took a moment for the words to process, and then, hot rage swelled in my chest.

I was on my feet in an instant, storming toward him. I could feel my female alone, asleep in a room nearby.

Why had she smiled at him?