Flood watched her go, his expression looking almost… wistful as she disappeared.

No way in hell did that man want to be just friends. But Ayla had seemedsosure.

Their time would come, I assumed.

My eyes slid back to Odin.

He could feel the ground, so he would know that I was there. It wasn’t like he couldn’t hear me, or sense me. And he’d never had a problem separating me from the other women when we were in the forest; his magic was strong enough that it showed him plenty.

And yet he had said nothing when we arrived.

No greeting. No reaching for my hand. No joke, or question about how the night had gone.

My face heated.

I lost control of my magic, and my fists caught fire.


Letting out a harsh breath of air, I shook them around, trying to force the fire to retreat.

No such luck.

I held them out at my sides, helplessly trying to keep the flames away from my dress. Although, something told me Odin wouldn’t care about me being naked in front of Flood right now. Not when he hadn’t even acknowledged me. Maybe he was lost in the city, focused on it, but that didn’t really seem like an excuse.

Flood signed something, and I jerked my attention back to him. He signed it again, and I recognized the word from the lessons we’d all been getting.

It was one word—okay.

His knitted forehead told me it wasn’t a statement, but a question.

“I’m okay,” I said, nodding and clumsily forming the same word with my own hand.

I was okay.


Maybe if I said it enough times, I’d believe it.

He signed a few more words slowly, and I struggled to wrap my head around them. The only one I could remember was the last one.


Was he asking if I needed help?

“Can you put the fire out?” I asked him. I didn’t bother trying to sign it, because he could read lips, and I didn’t know the signs.

He nodded, and a moment later, my arms were dripping with cold water.

The flames went out, and relief sagged my shoulders. “Thank you.” I signed it as I said it, since I knew that one.

His lips curved upward, and he just nodded.

“Have a good night,” I told him, managing a small smile.

Just before I turned around, the air glittered with water, and I watched as the liquid slowly formed words. They weren’t in my language, at first, but my mind translated them.

“He’ll come for you eventually,”they said.